
Well Known Member
Hi All,

I would be interested in hearing what placement others have found to be ideal (i.e. accurate and relatively out of the way) for the OAT probe on an RV-7. Any feedback is appreciated.

7A Finishing
first inspection plate on the left wing... not sure which one you're using, but GRT one fits in a grommet, so it's really a 2 minute job.
I have mine just under the horizontal stabilizer on the starboard side. Works great.
Wing root

I put mine out the side of the fuselage poking into the wing root (close to where the fuel lines go into the fuselage into the same area). They are out of the slip stream, in the shade and in an area that has enough air "leaks" that the temperature is OAT +/- a degree or so. I say "they" as I have one for the GRT EIS and one for the GTX 330 transponder. They work fine and are invisible.