
Well Known Member

My Sky View was powered up yesterday. At this stage the only item that didn't display was the OAT reading. I think I have seen posts about this on the forum but have been unable to locate it, maybe wishful thinking. I have scanned the manuals for some help but also was not apparent to me. I am wondering if there is any computer work that could be done before the probe needs to be checked?


Julian 120316
You have a sensor diagnostics page that shows each sensor and the signal being received. It should also indicate the absence of a sensor signal. My bet is a wiring issue. Depending on the vintage of your wiring harness, remember the oat wire goes back and connects to the ADAHRS. If you had an early harness, there were revisions to be done. I would check the db9 going into the ADAHRS for good pins and connectivity from the sensor to that pin.
On the two pin connector that plugs into the ADAHRS, one of my pins would not latch firmly and would push out of the plug. There isn't much to troubleshoot, wire or plug or sensor.
I had the same problem. The small 2p connector pins came out. Defnitely too weak. Had a replacement from Dynon and works since
Thanks Bill, it will be a week before I am at the hanger again. I will crawl into the tail cone again and check the conection.


Julian 120316
Went to hanger today and set up access in the rear. The OAT connection appears fine and clipped in firmly. The mechanic checked my connections with a multi meter and thinks things look fine. Also checked my wiring out of the Adars in case that was not sending the data up to the sky view. I had those wires correct also.

We are still suspicious we have to set something in the Sky view settings. Spent a few hours on that with no luck. We did find a sensor page but no OAT sensor listed on that page. Tried changing the temp off set and changing between F and C. Still no reading. Really need another probe to plug in to see if our one has a problem.

It is a bit of a shame as I was going to install the fuel tank but really need to keep access to the rear.


Julian 120316
Mine clipped in firmly as well but one of the pins did not contact.
Problem is you can hardly measure with a multi meter.
I opened the adhrs box to connect one meter pin inside and used i needle to stick in the rear of the connector and found the problem that way.
Whatever i tried i could not make it work until Dynon send me a new connector free of charge. Working ever since
I have the D180, but I recall a similar problem. It's been over a year, but I seem to recall that there were multiple sensors types and once I picked the right one on the setup page it worked fine.

I can't remember if swapping leads makes any difference, but you might try it if all else fails.
Thanks for the replies. I have contacted Dynon and they said to try moving the connection up and down and if that caused the OAT to briefly display they would replace the OAT. No indication what they would suggest if no display was seen.
So no real progress in trying to solve this. I cannot find any place to calibrate or adjust the OAT on the sky view display.


Julian 120316
Thanks for the replies. I have contacted Dynon and they said to try moving the connection up and down and if that caused the OAT to briefly display they would replace the OAT. No indication what they would suggest if no display was seen.
So no real progress in trying to solve this. I cannot find any place to calibrate or adjust the OAT on the sky view display.


Julian 120316

I had the same issue, Julian. Wiggling on the connector at the ADAHRS sometimes succeeded in getting a reading but would then again disappear when the unit was running for a while and developed some heat. Anyway, to make a long story short, Dynon sent me a new connector which didn't help. We ended up replacing the ADAHRS and that fixed the problem.

Here's the long version of how this boiled down a while back: OAT problems - part 2

I had quite some discussion with Dynon after this, second, major problem with my Avionics that all came back to faulty equipment. It's all posted on the blog as well, in case you want to read about it...

Good luck!
Thanks for that Mac. Dynon have asked me to do a test on the probe then it looks like I might be sending the ADAHS back. I guess that is easier than removing the probe and wiring.


Julian 120316
Thanks for the reply Rich. I have responded in the OAT thread so I hope you see this. No I have not been able to find a sensor type in the Set up menu. Maybe I have missed something really basic. Can you give me further information as to which page this is on thanks?

Bill mentioned a sensor diagnostic page which I have been unable to locate as well.

Julian 120316
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Download the D180 installation manual from Dynon's website and look at page 6-18 where they talk about type 1 and 2 OAT sensors. Mine had no indication until I configured the D180 for the correct type. I don't have a Skyview, but it may be the same as the D180 in this respect. I don't claim to be sure, just offering a painless thing to check before tearing into stuff.

From the D180 manual:

Under the desired GP input number, set FUNCT to GP TEMP. Select the analog bar thresholds as described in the Alarm and Color Threshold Configuration section on page 6-2. Set the SENSOR TYPE to the correct number using the sensor type table.

Hope this is of use.

Spare yourself time crawling in the canoe: Test that OAT probe before


After booting the SV I managed to get the all devices (including xponder and GPS) recognised and working, except for the OAT.

It appears that the OAT is supposed to work from minute one (Skyview) without configuration, so I asked Dynon a way to troubleshoot the probe:

"...The OAT is recognized as soon as it is plugged into the ADAHRS. If you perform an ohm measurement across the probe you should measure 10K ohm at 75F or 25C. If you measure across the OAT and it is open than you have a defective OAT probe..."

It is easier to test before you install it, and it is certainly nicer than having to crawl inside and get the wires out all way, return the probe and wait for the replacement to start all over. Guess how I know about it...
