Chris Cooper

Active Member
Having just done the first oil change SMOH at 25 hrs, I?m wondering if it?s possible to fit something like a B&C oil filter adapter in place of the pressure screen? It took me about 3 hours and a fair amount of cursing to remove and refit the screen and I?m not overly enthusiastic to do it again!

There isn?t the room for a straight filter adapter but there?s a possibility that an angled adapter with space4 may do the trick. Has anyone done this?
Oil filter

A 90 degree adapter from B&C Speciality will work. You'll need the extension that goes with it if you want to use an aviation oil filter, or without the extension you can use a K&N HP 1002 that is much smaller and still has a nut on top and safety wire hole.
A 90 degree adapter from B&C Speciality will work. You'll need the extension that goes with it if you want to use an aviation oil filter, or without the extension you can use a K&N HP 1002 that is much smaller and still has a nut on top and safety wire hole.

Thank you, you don?t happen to know the depth of spacer required?
I followed this info from Randy Lervold's RV 3 works however in my case the 1.4" spacer did not allow clearance for the aviation filter that came with the kit from B & C by about 1/8 inch, necessitating a different filter.
Depending on your mount type Randy has some other useful info there.

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On my 3B I used an air wolf remote oil filter. Mounted on left side of engine mount. Makes oil changes a breeze.

I haven't put the adapter on because we're replacing the O-320 with an O-340 from Titan. I'll measure the spacer later when at the airport. It's still in the box and I'll probably use it in the new engine.
On my 3B I used an air wolf remote oil filter. Mounted on left side of engine mount. Makes oil changes a breeze.

Would you mind posting a picture of your setup? I ask because I have an older style (FRAM) remote filter on my 3A, but it is attached to the back of the engine plenum. On my recent annual inspection I discovered a big crack at the corner of the plenum that I think is a result of the filter being hung there. So I'm curious about attaching it to the engine mount as a better alternative. Thanks.
Would you mind posting a picture of your setup? I ask because I have an older style (FRAM) remote filter on my 3A, but it is attached to the back of the engine plenum. On my recent annual inspection I discovered a big crack at the corner of the plenum that I think is a result of the filter being hung there. So I'm curious about attaching it to the engine mount as a better alternative. Thanks.

Yes please as I may have to do the same.
Posting pictures on here is a pain, but if you PM me with your email I?ll send you a picture. Already have done this for another member
I have one of the longer titan oil filter extensions that came on my IO-370 that I'm trying to sell. It was too long for my RV7A but maybe it would work in your application. Just a thought.