
Dear RV9A community,

Thank you all for your good wishes for our first flight with D-ESVM on 19th April 2014 after Long construction years.
We have already flown 5 hrs and 40 minutes.
We have O320 Lycoming D2G and Sensenish 70CM7S9-0-79 Propeller.
On our climbouts we are getting CHT 414,428,445,429F and oil temprature 166F.
We are not getting more than 2350 RPMs.
I have checked carburature, carburater inlet aswell Cowls and baffels and dont see any leak.
Any idea how to get 2700 RPM?
All suggestions are most welcome.

Is the 2350 on climbout? That actually would be good. What are your cruise max RPM's?
CHT's are too high. Higher RPM's will not help that.
My O-320 9A does around 2350 on climb.
Your CHT's seem quite high. I would recheck your timing. It's normal for the engine to run hot for 25-50 hours. Mine did. However, your on on the high side. What is your climb out IAS?
throttle arm

Be sure the throttle cable is adjusted properly so the throttle arm on the carburetor is moving the full distance from stop to stop. If the arm is not moving all the way to the stop then you will need to adjust the cable at the lock nuts on the cable bracket.
If you're getting 2350 on climb out, you are spot on. What rate of climb? For a 320, the numbers are way too high. :)
FYI, I would do a Static RPM check (full throttle, standard day 15C) You should see between 2100-2250 RPM.

Go HERE for ref.
Smart Alec answer is to put on a Constant Speed Prop. You won't see 2700RPM on climb out with a fix pitched prop unless it is pitched soo low that it overspeeds like crazy when S&L.

Sounds like your RPMs are fine but your head temps are high. Mixture, Baffling leaks are the usual suspects.
Dear RV9A community,

Thank you all for your good wishes for our first flight with D-ESVM on 19th April 2014 after Long construction years.
We have already flown 5 hrs and 40 minutes.
We have O320 Lycoming D2G and Sensenish 70CM7S9-0-79 Propeller.
On our climbouts we are getting CHT 414,428,445,429F and oil temprature 166F.
We are not getting more than 2350 RPMs.
I have checked carburature, carburater inlet aswell Cowls and baffels and dont see any leak.
Any idea how to get 2700 RPM?
All suggestions are most welcome.


Is your prop limited to 2600 rpm? Check the prop manual. I have that prop on my O-320 D1A from Vans and there is an "Avoid all operation above 2600 rpm" limit on the prop.
What climb speeds are you using? >120 knots is recommended for good cooling.

Are your wheel pants, gear leg fairings, etc installed? They offer a significant drag reduction, which increases RPM and speed, plus helps cooling.

Did you install the upper cowl inlet ramps? Those are critical and people occasionally forget them.
Dear RV9A community,

Thank you all for your good wishes for our first flight with D-ESVM on 19th April 2014 after Long construction years.
We have already flown 5 hrs and 40 minutes.
We have O320 Lycoming D2G and Sensenish 70CM7S9-0-79 Propeller.
On our climbouts we are getting CHT 414,428,445,429F and oil temprature 166F.
We are not getting more than 2350 RPMs.
I have checked carburature, carburater inlet aswell Cowls and baffels and dont see any leak.
Any idea how to get 2700 RPM?
All suggestions are most welcome.


Don't try to get 2700 rpm with your prop at any speed! Sensenich has a strict 2600 rpm limit on that prop due to dangerous harmonics higher than 2600. This is clearly spelled out on Vans prop page and in the Sensenich documentation.

2350 rpm is normal climb rpm if you are climbing at less than 110 kts. Allow climb speed to come on up to 120-125 kts and the engine will be cooler and will produce more power at the higher rpm.

Best wishes for an enjoyable test phase!
Sorry, I guess I was not very clear in the beginning

We have the problem that we do not exceed 2450 RPM in cruise conditions even with full throttle! giving us an IAS of 135 kits max. Shoes are not installed, yet it seems to be 20 KIAS too slow, doesn't it?

However, doing the test run on the GND with OAT of 15C we get 2200 RPM which sounds alright.....

What can be the reason for us not exceeding 140 IAS?

The cable of the throttle goes end to end....
It is ALL about the gear leg and wheel fairings. Doesn't seem possible but trust me it is. Once you get them fitted you will have to throttle back to NOT encroach on the 2600 RPM limit.


I have a 160 hp Lyco and the same prop as you on my 4. You figures for ground runs and climb out match mine which suggests that the power outputs of the engines are the same.

I have never pushed my engine to the 2600 prop red line speed as I am seeing 150 knts at 2400, but please confirm you have all gear leg fairings on as drag could be holding you back.

Also make sure you let the aeroplane off the back of the drag curve by letting the nose drop a bit, then letting it accelerate so the increased airflow over the wings creates more lift. In my 9 doing this could add 10 knts or more.
Dont Worry those numbers are ok


I was in the same boat as yourself, I just got my RV6 flying, did it without any wheelpans, leg fairings or intersection fairings.

I have a o-320 e2D (160hp) with that exact prop

Without the pants/fairings I could only get 130kts with RMP max 2350

Straight after putting the pants/fairing on I get 2600 in cruise with 140-150kts

Sure put a smile on my face...I was worried 2...don't be those numbers look very normal.