I looked into it but the cost for a two person setup seemed prohibitive. VERY happy with my Mountain High setup for two. Even a fairly small bottle lasts a long time, for two people, using their O2D2. Yet another great suggestion from Vic Syracuse. :). My scuba guy refills it so cheaply that I can't bring myself to buy a big tank and transfill gear.
I looked at the concentrators when my Dad had one to see if they could be used. The problem is they are expensive ($2500 to $4000+), need power and from the link below only are rated for 10,000 ft with one up to 13,130 ft. I want to be able to operate up to 17,500 so these don't fit my need.



Agree they are expensive, but that's not necessarily a showstopper for me (after all I own four Bose A20s). It looks like new, they are about $1200 more than a MH EDS O2D2 system. However, the big drawback is whether 2 folks could share one unit. If not, then cost does become a factor as I'd need 2 at least.

The guys on Beechtalk who own them say the Inogen One G2 model is rated to 18000ft vs the 10K on the website you posted. Unfortunately Inogen's own website doesn't post the attitude specs nor the manual.

So the questions are, do they really work and is the convenience of never having to fill a bottle worth the price premium?
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Keep in mind the power requirements too - they are not insignificant, especially if you are going to need multiple units.
We did some testing with them a couple of years ago, and they work well - I really enjoyed the fact that you can turn it on in your preflight and breath O2 until shutdown and not worry about "where am I going to get this thing filled?" In short, it's makes you use supplemental O2 much more readily than if you are using bottled oxygen.

So why don't I own one? A couple of reasons. First, cost is pretty high when you compare it to bottled O2, even when you consider refills. Second - for a two place airplane, you really need two of them if you are going to have a passenger. I would LOVE to have one in our single-place traveling machine (the -3), but there is no way to control it if it is in the baggage area, and no place to put it in the seat (I flew with it strapped to my chest for testing - certainly wouldn't want to do that very long - I felt like I was in a space suit again!).

In the end, I passed on the option of getting one (or two) because of cost - and the fact that I can filll my portable bottles from a K-bottle in the shop with a trans-fill line. But no, I still don't use O2 as often as I would if I had a concentrator. I keep going back and forth - but have other things to spend the money on.
To add another facet to this conversation, some of the glass blowers use oxygen concentrators to supply their shop needs.
They report a Invacare Homefill will fill a 20cf oxygen cylinder in about 2 hours and a 125cf in 24 hours, a quick look on Craigslist shows them for $400 and up.

An example in the video here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v_yjqZTaT88
I would be very afraid of using a device meant for industrial O2 as a source for breathing. Concentrators meant for shop use are cheap for a reason.
I would be very afraid of using a device meant for industrial O2 as a source for breathing. Concentrators meant for shop use are cheap for a reason.

I agree but the Invacare Homefill is a medical type device used to refill cylinders onsite for heavy users of breathing oxygen.