Dayton Murdock

Well Known Member
Hi All
My Boss asked if I wouldn?t mind coming in late for the next 5 days. I thought about how to say yes with out appearing too elated. 9 to 5 isn?t too bad. That gives me 2 hours of morning flight time!!
The air is so smoooooth!! My RV4 climbs at 1500? indicating 100kts not too bad with a density altitude of 6800?at CXP. I played around with some spam cans in the pattern, went out for some speed 155 Ikts at 6500?26c whatever the true airspeed is. I practice my rolls left and right, I did a loop or two. There was an North American taking off so I had to investigate. Sure enough a AT6 was in the air and climbing out on left down wind. I found myself behind and low and stayed there, 600 hp is hard to keep up with. After all that I made a great landing and made it to work with a happy attitude. :)

OK Dayton that is enough of the bragging. I have to say that Dayton is getting pretty good at his aerobatics. He just might be responsible for me breaking my leg someday as I often see him while I am out on my morning run. Hard to look up and watch where I am running at the same time. I get the pleasure of watching him do his stuff in the valley to the south of my running grounds on most weekends. He has been instrumental in getting me back on track with my project after nearly a year of doing nothing. Thanks Dayton and keep it up.