
Well Known Member
Does anyone have the list of EVERYTHING that is needed for an O-360 installation, such as the list from Van's FWF kit?

I'd like to get a copy of what is needed so I can price everything out here at work.

Thanks in advance!
I may still have it.. I used the sample list they have on their site and modified a few things... (and deleted quite a few).. I'll check and let you know.
what about...

I don't mean to hijack this thread, but I'd like to get the same information, but more importantly the instructions that come with the Van's FWF kit.

If you happen across that, it would be very helpful if you could post it, or e-mail it.
Perfect! Thanks Radomir. I know the list for the IO CS engine is on the Van's site, but I don't really know what to modify or delete for the O FP engine.
The list is now on:


It's an excel spreadsheet.

Drawings are a must, and Vans sells them.. can't post that on the net. Piecing all this together isn't that hard, but I'd recommend getting drawings first.. then you can also check other suppliers etc (eg I got my Vetterman exhaust from Spruce.. which was quite a bit cheaper than Van's -- I guess Spruce forgot to increase the price? :) )

Good luck.. let me know if something isn't clear.. Some items are crossed over as I had already bought them by the time I got around to compile that list.
Call Vans

Call Vans and they will fax you a complete list of what is in a FWF kit. There and many versions of the FWF kit to cater for various engine, prop & airframe variations, so be sure to ask for the correct list. I only have the injected, horiz induction, c/s list - so probably of no use to you.

As I recall there aren't any instructions that come with the FWF kit, they are with the sub-kits that make up the whole - as its a mix'n'match game depending on the options you choose.

Great! Thanks again Radomir! That list looks better than the one I got from Van's. With both of them, I'll get it figured out.

I never even gave thought to calling Van's...thought they'd only want to sell me their kit.

cjensen said:
Does anyone have the list of EVERYTHING that is needed for an O-360 installation, such as the list from Van's FWF kit?

I'd like to get a copy of what is needed so I can price everything out here at work.

Thanks in advance!
Chad-I though you were going Eggenfellner? If not, one other thing you might consider deleting from your finish kit is the rubber mounts if you want to use the Lord mounts that are apparently much smoother.

Radomir--thanks for the heads up on the Vetterman exhaust. I had deleted that from my finish kit last November only because I didn't want to hemmorage that much cash at the time. Sounds like it may have been a good idea since Spruce seems to be selling for $794 something Van's is selling for $935 for my 0-320. Maybe Vans includes something Spruce does not?
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alpinelakespilot2000 said:
Chad-I though you were going Eggenfellner? If not, one other thing you might consider deleting from your finish kit is the rubber mounts if you want to use the Lord mounts that are apparently much smoother.
I was, but that's a story for another time/thread...

I plan to use the Lord mounts...we installed them in our Cherokee when we changed the engine, and they were worth the money.