
Well Known Member
I've seen figures on VAF of "5-6K for an O-320 core." What is typically included with a core?

How much would be knocked off the price if it has been involved in a weather-related non-rotating nose-over? I doubt there's anything wrong with the crankshaft, but I can't say with 100% certainty. It has about 1850 hrs tt, 440 since top overhaul by Aerosport Power. (O-320-A2B)

Just weighing some options... it's probably not doing my engine any good to sit and wait for me to finish the airframe, so I'm considering selling it and buying a rebuilt one in a year or two or four when I need it.
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I'm considering selling it and buying a rebuilt one in a year or two or four when I need it.

Another thing you might consider is to have it rebuilt or IRONed now, and pickled.

Might end up being cheaper to do with your existing engine.
True... That would be ideal. But I can't afford to stick anything into it now because I need to save/raise some cash for a serious workshop/dwelling upgrade. :D Two homebuilders in a condo gets old fast!
Kate, I sold a run out o-360 for8,000 with mags n carb, garranteeing the case and crank only. Hope this helps.