Well Known Member
Hello, I decided I need to heat the oil up in the RV-10 so we are planning on flying from Orlando to circle the Statue of Liberty then heading home. Wondering if anyone has any local knowledge they would like to share?

Anyone interested or able to take some aerial pictures while I am in the area tomorrow mid day?

Thanks, Tim
Now is the time to do it. You will have the whole corridor to yourself. I did it last week, not another plane in sight. If you talk with EWR app. and LGA tower they will pretty much let you do what you like.
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I fly a 6A from here to Pgh several times a year. Phone is 724- three four four- 0560. Ready to go by the time you get here. Stan
Sorry Stan, did not see your post until the trip was over.

I fly a 6A from here to Pgh several times a year. Phone is 724- three four four- 0560. Ready to go by the time you get here. Stan

The trip was a success. Made landings at KLGA, KJFK, KTEB, and KEWR. Flew the Hudson corridor end to end. The controllers were incredibly accommodating. Highly recommend anyone that can, go up and use the airspace while it is empty.