
VAF Moderator / Line Boy
I shut down ?Junior? yesterday morning as drops from an approaching light rain dappled the cnopy with 40.1 hours on the flight-o-meter and reams of test data in the computer. Reading through the Ops Lims statement, I had no reservations signing it out of Phase 1 as having fulfilled all of the REQUIRED testing to determine that it has no hazardous flight characteristics throughout the normal flight envelope ? and also signed off the huge number of aerobatic maneuvers (?left and right?) that we?ve gone through. So legally, the airplane is free to roam ? which is good, because we still have testing to do!

The ?additional testing? is generally to build detailed performance charts (we have enough rough data already to refine the envelope) and to check out all of the nooks and crannies of the avionics package. Eventually, we?ll build nice cruise/power charts from the performance data, although realistically (based on experience), we?ll probably find the numbers we like the best and use them all the time. It?s nice to know the capability in advance (for flight planning) of course. In the world of avionics, we?ve verified that everything is connected and plays properly, the Comm radios Comm, the Nav radios Nav (and the entertainment radios entertain). We?ve flown enough with the autopilot to verify that it can do the whole coupled approach thing while we sip on a juice-bag?.but now the serious work of understanding all of the little nuances begins. And of course, since we beta test software, everything we learn may change as upgrades come along.

So while Phase 1 is complete, we still have lots of fun test flying ahead. It has been a lot of fun mentoring Louise through her parts of the Phase 1 program, and I have enjoyed exploring the envelope with such a capable airplane ? especially when doing vertical roles at only 70% power. Hopefully, we?ll get some time to do a little fiberglass touch-up work before it heads to the paint shop in April. But for those in Texas, you might start seeing the unpainted -3 with the ?pepto-cowl? on a ramp somewhere in the meantime!


I shut down ?Junior? yesterday morning as drops from an approaching light rain dappled the cnopy with 40.1 hours on the flight-o-meter

Free at last-----now to start giving those rides you promised:rolleyes:
Congratulations Paul and Louise. As a first timer, I've learned a lot about test flying just from reading your reports. It's hard not to be impressed by your careful and methodical approach, and I wonder how many pilots really spend their first 40 hours doing such a thorough job. Looking forward to future progress reports.
Well 3J1 is a pretty good little cross country-----Hint Hint!

For a few minutes last weekend I was plotting to bring Junior over to your neck of the woods to accompany the RV-1 a short ways up the coast during the Tribute Tour but, alas, that's the month Junior will go into the paint shop. :(
Ah yes ..."The best part about a single seat airplane is the quality of the social experience!" (unatributable quote...) :p

Then you have three individuals, Me, Myself and I.

There will be only two others to share the experience.

Thanks for the update Paul. I always look at your posts and find 99.9% of them informative and very helpful. I bookmark the ones I need for future reference in a folder named Ironflight in my favorites. I also do this for other informative posters like DanH, Andy Hill, Smokey, Rick G and others.
...I have enjoyed exploring the envelope with such a capable airplane – especially when doing vertical roles at only 70% power.

Hey Paul, always nice to hear about "Junior". :) I'm curious, though - how many degrees can you vertical roll at 70% power? Are you hammering out or pulling over? My aerobatic knowledge and technique was pretty under-developed when I had my RV-3 and the few vertical roll attempts I made were severely barreled and I'd imagine I was rolling less than 180 degrees...wasn't good enough to get the wing to slice perfectly vertically across the horizon, much less pay attention to exactly how many degrees I rolled. But I did them with full (125 horse) power. I'd bet your -3 could do a 1-1/4 roll...maybe 1-1/2 from Vne and full power before hammering out at minimum airspeed...or I'd love to try, anyway. :D
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Hey Paul, always nice to hear about "Junior". :) I'm curious, though - how many degrees can you vertical roll at 70% power? Are you hammering out or pulling over? My aerobatic knowledge and technique was pretty under-developed when I had my RV-3 and the few vertical roll attempts I made were severely barreled and I'd imagine I was rolling less than 180 degrees...wasn't good enough to get the wing to slice perfectly vertically across the horizon, much less pay attention to exactly how many degrees I rolled. But I did them with full (125 horse) power. I'd bet your -3 could do a 1-1/4 roll...maybe 1-1/2 from Vne and full power before hammering out at minimum airspeed...or I'd love to try, anyway. :D

Of course, this thread is old enough that I can't really be responsible for every enthusiasm I wrote back then.... :D:rolleyes: But I can generally get about a full roll from a Vne dive, then I usually pull it over. I think there is a bit more than 160 HP in the Red-Gold Mattituck... and I am no threat to you competition guys!