
Don't forget the 16th annual Northwest RV Fly-In, coming up this Saturday.

Also this week, Thursday the 14th to be exact, is the EAA chapter 105
Drive-Out/Fly-Out/BBQ/Meeting at Vernonia. All are welcome, members or not.
Anyone flying out, use this list to offer up available right seats.

Details on both at www.eaa105.org
Hi Randy!

I have been looking at the Vernonia strip for a wile wanting to drop buy but did not know the condition, looks ok from the air. I wish I could join you there but have a big model heli event at Brooks OR this weekend. So how is that Vernonia strip any way?

Your airport neighbor Russ
Russ McCutcheon said:
I have been looking at the Vernonia strip for a wile wanting to drop buy but did not know the condition, looks ok from the air. I wish I could join you there but have a big model heli event at Brooks OR this weekend. So how is that Vernonia strip any way?

Your airport neighbor Russ
Hi Russ,
The Vernonia strip is really no problem, it's just unusual when landing from the East because you need to fly an angled approach, no biggie. The runway is plenty long and flat other than the dip in the middle. Just make sure you set down in the first 25% and you'll be fine, if not just go 'round. If you've landed at Daybreak from the sounth then you can do Vernonia from the east no problem.

Sorry you have a conflict, you might fly in there some other time just to put it in your log book and so you'll be ready for the next event there, it's very scenic.
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I'll be there with my new 6, wearing my "12th annual" fly in shirt that features some guy's RV8. (that just happened to be the inspiration for the paint on my 6)
After years of flying my Aeronca to the event and dreaming, I finally get to really be a part of it.
See you there Randy!
The best t-shirt?

JonJay said:
I'll be there with my new 6, wearing my "12th annual" fly in shirt that features some guy's RV8. (that just happened to be the inspiration for the paint on my 6)
After years of flying my Aeronca to the event and dreaming, I finally get to really be a part of it.
See you there Randy!
Cool, that's a real personal milestone for you, congrats! Personally, I think the "12th annual" was the best of the bunch also but then again I might be a bit biased. Check the gallery here and see what you think. Who knows, there might be another version some day with an neat RV-3 on it.


...Needless to say that all of the different NW RV Fly In T-shirts have become collector items. I still have all of the ones from the years that I have attended.
See ya there!

Joe Blank
2007 NW RV Fly In Boss

I'm just glad you didn't sell 'em all at the fly-in's, because I was able to pick them up over the last few years at EAA105's breakfasts...unfortunately I've even worn some of them out. I almost always get comments about them, wherever I travel. Good job guys.

As an aside, we've had a unique design made up for the Independence Fly-In you're all coming to in August, and will have T-shirts ready to go soon.

See ya on Saturday!
Randy - Am planning to drive to the event with hopes of snagging an inspirational trip around the patch. Recently bought a 6A that is gonna need time and love to fly - inspiration would probably help this process along if it can be worked out.