
Well Known Member
Dumb things of the day #2

I hate nut plates. What I really hate about them is how easy it is to put the wrong size on in...

Well, that is what I did on the aileron. I put a 1000-08 nut plate on the inside of the aileron where the third, threaded AN3-12A bolt goes.

Of course at this point getting to that nut plate to put the correct one in would be virtually impossible. So, am I all right using a smalleer AN bolt (if so what?) or a screw?

Dumb things of the day #2
I put a 1000-08 nut plate on the inside of the aileron where the third, threaded AN3-12A bolt goes.

You mean where the AN3-4A bolt goes into the K1000-3 nutplate on DWG 13 Section B-B?

Switching the nutplate if the skins are on will mean drilling out a bunch of rivets. I would definitely talk to Van's before using the -08 hardware on your control surface.
You mean where the AN3-4A bolt goes into the K1000-3 nutplate on DWG 13 Section B-B?

Switching the nutplate if the skins are on will mean drilling out a bunch of rivets. I would definitely talk to Van's before using the -08 hardware on your control surface.

Yeah, that's it....

The Aileron's are done, and I just found the problem when the AN3-4A fit fine on the left Aileron, but wouldn't go into the right one.

Tried to call Van's tonight but missed them by about 5 minutes. I'll call them in the morning.
I found that some of the bags don't have the correct nut plates in them. I nearly did the same. I now check all the nut plates with a screw for good measure.

You are not alone out there.
Good news.

Vans said I can use the screw, and just add a washer or two as necessary to ensure a snug fit.

Really wasn't liking the idea of having to rebuild that aileron...

I found that some of the bags don't have the correct nut plates in them. I nearly did the same. I now check all the nut plates with a screw for good measure.

You are not alone out there.

I will be doing that on all my future nut plates...

I will be doing that on all my future nut plates...


Yep - I think every builder learns that "Check it with a screw/bolt" lesson somewhere between the tail and the wing kits. You can be sure it won't be the last time it happens!
I found that some of the bags don't have the correct nut plates in them.

I emptied out all the bags, and put all the hardware together by type. Took some work and time for the initial sorting, but sure a lot easier to find things in the long run.
I emptied out all the bags, and put all the hardware together by type. Took some work and time for the initial sorting, but sure a lot easier to find things in the long run.

+1 for this. I also check every platenut prior to riveting to make sure the threads have been cut into the nut. On my build, I ran across two without threads.