
Well Known Member
Hi Guys,

Don't tell my medical examiner, but I must be going blind. Step 3 of 22-02 states "rivet nut plates... ... to the F-1201C Firewall Bottom per the callouts in figure 1 and figure 4." For the life of me, I can't find any callouts for the Firewall Bottom in those figures. I note that there appear to be nut plates to be installed at the gascolator attach holes, but I can't see the callout to tell me which nut plates to install.

(I'll probably see the callout as soon as I post this :( )

Thanks in advance,
I'm pretty sure the one they're talking about is the nutplate for the return line clamp that's called out in figure 4. The nutplates for the gasolater get riveted in a later step.

I dont have the plans in front of me but... Gascolator nutplates (2x) are -3. Single nutplate for fuel return line is -8.

Good luck