
Well Known Member
Anyone have a rough guess as to how many LP4-3 rivets came in that big 'ol box? I'm almost to the finishing kit and running out of rivets. That's a good thing I suppose, since it means I am nearing completion. My curiosity is simply so when people keep asking "how many rivets are in this thing", I can give an educated guess :)

Thanks for any guess!
Mine was 12,500 with the kit, I had to drill out some and order some more, not sure how many more that was.

The kit came with 12,500 LP3-4 rivets, and I had to order a thousand or so more-- no I didn't drill out THAT many, there just weren't enough. When you add in the larger and smaller pop rivets, countersunk pop rivets. and the squeezed rivets of all types I came up with more than 15000 river=ts.

Wayne 120241
Thanks for the replies! This also makes me happy that my Harbor Freight pneumatic puller (all $59 of it) handled the task thus far!

Now, if I can just get my SB gear kit, so I can actually proceed with the finishing kit....
For some unknown reason, I saved ALL of the mandrels from my (almost complete) build--about 5 quarts of rivet mandrels.

Same here :D

I also don't know why I threw them in on container, but it is a great for conversation once someone picks up the jar. Then come the statement "That is heavy"

I wonder how many parts and pieces that all those rivets hold together, any guesses? Don
Look at the parts list in the plans. Remember, some of them are 2 or more separate parts. And how do you count the engine?
Mine went to the scrap yard. I don't know how much I got for them. I tried selling them to a contractor buddy for finish nails.
I've got half a bucket full too. Not sure what to do with them, but I'm sure they will come in handy one day. :)