About done with my First Condition Inspection after buying an RV-8 last year. My A&P noticed the Serial Number is listed in various places as 81264 and other places as 1264. I think 1264 is correct. Any comments? What's the most important document(s) that have to match?
Registration, airworthiness certificate and data plate.......all with EXACT match. The only entries required on the data plate is MAKE, MODEL, AND SERIAL.
Oddly, I bought an RV-8 last year as well and the same thing happened to me. Serial number on the original airworthiness certificate did not match the Vans paperwork. I called Vans to confirm the official serial number and paperwork. While on the phone with them, I had them register the airplane under my name for future letters/SBs. I then had the FAA issue a new airworthiness certificate with the correct serial number. The whole process went surprisingly smoothly and quickly.