
Well Known Member
In the continuing quest to get my skills back up to where they used to be, where they ought to be, and where I sometimes think they still are, today's mission was steep turns, four of them. Whole flight hand flown, no autopilot.

The turns were, ahem, within book spec. Barely. I did two extras. 'nuff said.

So back to the airport, but with bad timing, I was heading back just as the F-35s (loudest fighter out there by far) and F-16s were headed home from practicing over the ocean. I called in and was told to stay clear of the Class Charlie, and I've never heard that before at my home airport. Then I was told I was #12, and a little while later, a Cessna called in and they were told they were #14, and maybe they'd like to go to the practice area and hang out for a bit?

I was east of the airport and got an 15 mile vector south, then turn north, feel free to do another 360, then to about 10 northeast of the airport, then direct to the numbers. 55 minute flight, more than half of that vectors coming back to the airport.

No complaints I needed the practice. Still need more...

In the continuing quest to get my skills back up to where they used to be, where they ought to be, and where I sometimes think they still are, today's mission was steep turns, four of them. Whole flight hand flown, no autopilot. The turns were, ahem, within book spec. Barely. I did two extras. 'nuff said.

No complaints I needed the practice. Still need more...

Kinda fun you were lined up behind some loud heavy iron!

Practice: I'm impressed you were out doing those turns....and well, it sounds like. I think we all need that. And not just every "biannual" (pilot condition inspection....?:D)

Going back to basics: I am frequently out doing "student maneuvers" just to keep my skills up and reattach myself to my airplanes. Turns around a point; turns ON a point; steep 360 degree turns (BUMP:)); emergency procedures; stop-and-go landings (I don't do touch-and-goes as the airplane and my brain need to be reconfigured from landing to departure mode). And more. Does one NEED to do all this stuff? Aren't I good enough without going that far back in my training? Maybe. Maybe not. If I ever got to thinking I knew how to fly, I'd quit....:) Autopilot? Yeah: sometimes she's in the back seat flying with me; sometimes she's at home.....:D
Ft. Lauderdale Exec

I trained here more than a few years ago. It was common back in the mid 80s to be told to stay clear of the area and call back in 10 minutes. It was also common to be #8 cleared to land behind the Cessna....

Neat stuff!

While flying into KBAF, on the downwind, tower advised clear to land and asked me if I could "make it quick." I replied in the affirmative and although I was abeam the numbers, I immediately turned base, final, landed, and got off the runway to the left. I looked over my left shoulder and saw four F-15 coming in pretty hot! The wife thought it was very cool.