
Active Member
The very short preliminary NTSB report for the loss of Mark Ritter and his RV-10 states that the airplane: "was destroyed upon impact with terrain following a loss of control while in cruise flight."

Perhaps others can more skillfully draw a conclusion; I know little more than I did before this preliminary report was published.

Chase Snodgrass
Presidio, TX
Two Simultaneous RV-10 Projects
Usually a waste of emotion, energy, and spirt to try and read between the lines. Often you will do little more than hurt the feelings of someone with a connection to the accident without adding anything. The ONLY reason this stuff is published and investigated is to prevent it from happening again. Sadly speculation often leads down the wrong path and does not offer anything to the safety goal. The initial reports are usually Joe Friday "Just the facts Ma'am". We all want the answers right now but need to be like Joe.:(
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That's just the NTSB's way of saying "It doesn't look like he did this on purpose, and that's all we're going to say right now."