
Well Known Member
Seen the pics of others, now I've done it!
Guess there is no hope of saving this--just need to order a replacement. The skeleton is all dimpled, but the skin is not (waiting on the DRDT-2). Question 1--do I assemble the skeleton and skin--then match drill the new rib? Question 2--do I need to wait unitl the skin is dimpled (since the underlying structure is dimpled) to assembe and match drill? And things were going so well tonight---my very last hole to dimple.

Sky :mad:
Back in business!

Thanks for the JB weld suggestions, but just didn't think the extra hole overlapping into the drilled hole was going to work out. Got a new rib in 3 days, put everything back together and match drilled the new rib. Everything is now dimpled and ready to prime--except for the skin (still waiting on the DRDT-2). Lesson learned--when you pull the trigger on the squeezer, you're getting a dimple (or new hole) whether you want one or not! :eek:
