
Well Known Member
Hey guys,

I'm at a complete loss to understand, and fix, my Altrak. I've got 70 hours on my RV-4 now and so far have been unable to successfully troubleshoot the Altrak. once in stable flight I push the button and HOLD tries to do a loop everytime!

I've changed the servo and the programmer/brain and even TruTrak is a t aloss now to try and help me figure it out. there is literally nothing else to change...except maybe the button/switch....or rewire it from scratch.

I'd appreciate any ideas or suggestions. On the positive side I'm getting pretty good at holding altitude manually :)

A couple of ideas...

1) Is the static line to the device clogged?
2) Where is it mounted? Ahead of or behind the CG?
Gotta Be Frustrating!


If you've had the Tru Trak guys invovled, and have changed out BOTH the controller and the servo, I can't think of anything else BUT the wiring....obviously not what you wanted to hear, but what I'd do is mock up a harness (don't run it into your bundles) - won't cost much, just a couple of connectors - and see if you can get it to work that way. It's the only component you haven't replaced....

edit: One other thought....RFI? Anything mounted close to the unit that might be a generator...or close to the bundles?

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patterson said:
The mounting is on the backside of the firewall....ahead of CG. The static line is not hooked up.
[email protected]

Wait a minute....are you saying the controller box (the little box that runs the servo) is mounted on your firewall? If so, that's a big no-no. It should me mounted pretty close to the servo. Before you go digging for other things, figure out what exactly is mounted to the firewall. If it's the programmer, MOVE IT back to where the servo is per the instructions.
