Paul Tuttle

Well Known Member
It's been a long haul since I bought the kit years ago, but I finally soloed in my -8 today. I have to thank my test pilot/instructor Tom Sabean who demonstrated lots of patience and courage while sitting back there. No way I would have done that. :D

Now the journey begins. :)


Congrats Paul! I have your RV-1 print in my shop. I'll think of your solo while I'm building tonight.

That's good to see. Congratulations!

BTW, your field is on my bucket list...
I bet she felt like a rocket without the GIB! Congrats! Go teach Amelia how to fly it now!

Congrats Paul! Hope to get up that way soon.:). Have a "snowbird" friend that lives in Digby. Promised me LOBSTER!:D
Big Time Congrats

Big Time Congrats Paul. You have accomplished what very few people have when you stop to think about what it takes to successfully get to this point. (discounting all the other VAF builders/Flyers and others, of course, we are still a select few)

Stay safe and keep us posted on your phase 1 testing.
Way to Go Paul!!

A major milestone to be sure - I can only imagine what it feels like! Thanks for the inspiration :)
Thanks for the kind words everyone. I took off early from work yesterday because it looked like the only decent weather we were going to get for a while. I'm glad I did, here's the local forecast.


It looks like it'll be a few days before I get the second solo in...
Congrats, Paul. Welcome to the club! I'm sure you will have many hours of intimate pleasure with your new friend. It's a special time when you latch the canopy and line up with the runway. Enjoy!

Savor those moments between glances at the engine instruments when you look out at the rows of rivets in the wing skins and say to yourself, "I built this. I set those rivets. Every one of them. The arteries that feed the engine -- I made every one. The nerves that connect each system -- I connected them."

Enjoy those moments that only builders know. :D :D :D
Felt good..

Another congratulation! That's a great achievement and a beautiful airplane - very nice paint job. Have fun flying.
I'm still here.


I've pretty much become a full time fixture at Stanley, except when I have to go do that work thing. The flying is going good and between Tom and me, we just about have the hours flown off and soon will be able to go somewhere.
The airplane is working good, flies great and it's fast... at least it's fast compared to what I'm used to. It sure feels good having a flying airplane!
Now that I know I can build a plane that will actually fly, I may just build another one.:D Adele's reaction :eek:
You have a really nice airplane there, Paul. I hope mine turns out as nice.
Thanks for showing her to us last week. I hope this is just the beginning of many years of RV8 flying enjoyment for you.

And thanks also for showing us around your fabulous airfield.

Great news Paul! When are you going to do a painting of her?

Thanks Bill,

I have the image for a painting of it pretty much figured out in my mind, it's just a matter of taking the time to put it on canvas. I plan to work on it in the hangar beside the airplane.:)

You have a really nice airplane there, Paul. I hope mine turns out as nice.
Thanks for showing her to us last week. I hope this is just the beginning of many years of RV8 flying enjoyment for you.

And thanks also for showing us around your fabulous airfield.



It was great meeting you and Corinne, We hope you can come back again some day for a longer visit.