
VAF Moderator / Line Boy
I’m in Sebring today to talk with an EAA Chapter at their banquet tonight, and spent some time with a pilot that just took delivery of a brand new RV-12iS at Van’s factory - last week I think he said. He flew it back, basically down via Phoenix, than along I-10 and the gulf coast, and did the trip in just FIVE fuel stops. Now THAT is a capable LSA….. diagonally across the country in only five fill-ups!

Great airplanes these RV’s - no matter which end of the spectrum you choose!
Let's see some pics!

I’m in Sebring today to talk with an EAA Chapter at their banquet tonight, and spent some time with a pilot that just took delivery of a brand new RV-12iS at Van’s factory - last week I think he said. He flew it back, basically down via Phoenix, than along I-10 and the gulf coast, and did the trip in just FIVE fuel stops. Now THAT is a capable LSA….. diagonally across the country in only five fill-ups!

Great airplanes these RV’s - no matter which end of the spectrum you choose!
I miss long hauls. The job keeps me on a 1000 NM leash :) What airplane did you take to Sebring Paul?