
Well Known Member
I spent a good hour at Dynon's booth at S&F and am converted. Several reasons - they are best looking displays to my eye - this is very subjective I know, but somehow I liked these displays the best - they were easiest on the eye in color, arrangement, and information displayed.

But the the main reason is that I spent most of the time talking to John Torode, Dynon's founder. Incredible guy. I have better than 1000 hrs experience with glass cockpits in commuter aircraft, and they were ok, but after several failures, and the failure in one way or another of most every computer/smartphone/tablet/etc I have ever owned, I am not easily dazzled by technology anymore. Never a hard sell, he answered all of my skeptical questions and took my criticisms with good nature and extremely intelligent responses. Not only that, we spent over half the time we talked on subjects that had nothing to do with aviation - a very knowledgeable and intelligent man, and the fact that he would spend so much time b**s***ing with me, with many potential customers all around, never looking impatient or bored, is what convinced me I would like to do business with him.

Plus, I do like his product, and think I can have all the back up I need to make me feel as safe as I want.:)

Just one guy's opinion, but I wanted to say how impressed I was, Thanks, John!
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I've got about 140 hours on the Skyview in my -4 and I would never go back. Great support from Dynon and the improvements keep coming on a regular basis.
...the main reason is that I spent most of the time talking to John Torode, Dynon's founder. Incredible guy...
John is one VERY VERY VERY smart guy and a nice person. He knows a lot about a lot, simple as that. The Dynon team he has put together is just outstanding with outstanding products and customer service. You won't go wrong with your choice.

Just my biased opinion.
I sure hope so, I just stuck my toe in the EFIS world with a D10A.
Hey, I hear it's like Heroin. One shot and you're hooked, right?? :rolleyes: