
Lets meet up at Weiser this Saturday for the monthly get together. 11:30 Carl's BBQ. I will be traveling for the holiday and won't be able to attend.

Also looking for a volunteer to pick up the monthly coordination at the end of the year... No offense, but I am getting close to inspection/flying and don't want feel guilty in 2012 if I no longer drive leaving pilots stuck at the field without a shuttle to the food. Instead, I plan to be stuck at the field looking for a ride.

It's truly amazing (and understandable!) how hard it is to make the get-togethers on a regular basis once you have a flying RV/ The travel potential is so great that you hardly find yourself in town! I hope we can find a good Coordinator like Kevin to keep the ship running - we'd do it, but we are extremely close to having the THIRD RV running...we're going to have to train one of the dogs to fly to keep them all exercised....

Anyway, we have to head to the snowy north and will miss this weekend as well.
