
I'm almost ready to plop down the money for my emp kit. In the mean time, I thought of an interesting way to log time for my kit build. I'm building an enclosure that will contain an extra datcon hour meter that I have laying around. It has a little 12V transformer and a full wave bridge so I have power to the hour meter. Any time I'm working on the kit, I'll just power the little box on. Voila, instant build time meter.....
More data to be colected!

Wire it to the light switch of your workshop, so you do not forget to turn it on and off! :eek:

Maybe you should also install a pulse-counter: every time you shoot a rivet you push it and when you are finished you will know exactly how many rivets you got in your plane! ;)

And why do you not set up some bathroom scales, so you can weigh yourselves every time before you start and after you finish. That way you will know how much sweat you dispensed while building. Obviously you need to connect that up to a computer to keep track and have instant read-out. :rolleyes:


I've found using my wildlife digital camera that pictures come easy. You can adjust the time, date, time span, flash and use the movement infra-red. Flip it on and get to work. With the external 12 volt battery and an SD card you'll have thousands of pics... :D Some will even log the moon cycles for you. :eek: