
Hi all

Basically, my Nova air drill spins even when the trigger is not pressed. I have the feeling it doesn't spin at full speed either. A video is probably better than 1,000 words. Is there a way of calibrating the thing somehow?


The drill is almost new and has been oiled a little bit. The previous owner bought it new from Cleaveland tools and never actually started his build, and I am just getting my workshop into shape at the moment (haven't started the build yet). I don't have a manual or documentation with the drill. I have just completed the air lines which is why I plugged the air drill for the first time, I haven't used it yet for what it is supposed to do.

I am very novice with all this stuff - I'd welcome any thought.

Probably some grit stuck in the valve that the trigger actuates, that's preventing it from fully shutting off when you release it. Is it disassemble-able? If so you may be able to get in and clean it.
It looks like you could remove the set screw below the trigger, then remove the trigger/valve assembly, clean it, and reinstall. As Rob said, most likely some grit causing the valve to leak.

My CP does the same.

More lube and a bit of triggering helps.

Thanks all. Tried to open but couldn't figure out how. You were right Mike, more lube and it was all fixed. I did put too much in, in the end, and covered myself/the bench/the walls with lubricant which just puffed out of the air drill vent... but hey. Works like a charm now.

Gotta learn stuff the hard way...