Bryan Wood

Well Known Member
Can a pilot Notam a field? Tonight when the runway lights failed at my home field I tried to Notam the airport and was told that only the airport manager can do this. (It was 1a.m. local and the airport manager was at home asleep) For some reason I thought it was SOP for a pilot to Notam the field after events such as a Gear Up incident, or similar. Because of this assumption I tried to let the folks know at WX Brief about the dark runway. They blew me off. With a change in strategy I told the lady to consider it a Pirep and she said she noted it. It has been a couple of hours and it still doesn't show up on Weathermeister. So what's the deal? What do you do when the airport has a problem or potential hazard?
Good Question

You pose a good question. To the best of my knowledge, only "official" airport people can issue NOTAMs for a particular airport. I think you are on the right track about issuing a PIREP. If you felt like Flokheed-Schmarten Flea Circus is blowing you off, try getting ahold of the nearest ATC facility; either a Tower, TRACON, or ARTCC. Obviously this is easier if you are in flight, but might still be possible on the ground depending on where you are. That's just my $0.03.

I had to work to get authorization to issue NOTAMs at 00V. Best thing to do now is contact the airport manager and have him call in the NOTAM and fix the problem.