
Well Known Member
Regarding alignment of the rudder pedals, I've read Dan Checkoway's construction log and that has been a HUGE help! Thanks Dan!

However, I have one point I'd like to clear up. Dan aligned his rudder pedals to a neutral postion by moving his rear pedals forward and forward pedals back, so they met at a point directly below the middle of the two rudder bars. The plans, however, seem to picture that the rear pedals would be directly downward and the forward pedals moved back to align at that point. This would seem to give a bit more "tolerance" regarding the "inadvertent braking" issue.

Does anybody see any issues with doing it this way? How has everybody else done it?
If my old preview plans are correct, the brake pedals are not pre-drilled to the cylinders or rudder pedal assembly. If this is the case, it shouldn't matter too much. Once you have the pedal bars where you want them, locate and drill the brake pedals so suit you. Don't go so overboard you make the brakes difficult to use. Mine are just behind the pedal assembly and when I'm avoiding the brakes I just slide my toes sideways to rest on the vertical part of the rudder pedals.
Hi Rich...... easy way to align them off the airplane is in a padded vise. We placed a 36" wooden ruler across the back sides of the vertical tubes and then brought the pedals back to the ruler and clamped them there. We drilled the holes for the brakes then and they're slightly tilted away from your feet this way.

Me too....

Mine are just behind the pedal assembly and when I'm avoiding the brakes I just slide my toes sideways to rest on the vertical part of the rudder pedals.

This is what I was taught when I transitioned and works well with the stock set up.