
Well Known Member
But, here's the beginning one.

Drove down to Van's yesterday to do the factory tour and take advantage of the beautiful, but cold, weather with a test flight.

Was originally leaning toward starting a 7. But after talking with Ken and going up for a flight in the 320 powered 9, I drove home with a 9 tail kit in the trunk of the car.

Hoping to inventory in the next week or so, as work starts back up, work a bit on the practice kit, and then be diving into this adventure soon!

Welcome Victor and thank you for your service.
Dove right into the deep end of the pool huh.:D Best of luck.
Congratulations, BUT........

be forewarned. There will NEVER be a "finished" post.
An amateur-built aircraft is never finished. There will always be something to be updated, improved, or simply changed.

My -6 first flew in May of 1993 and I'm still making changes.
Congratulations Victor! I bet my hard earned $20 your "the finished post" will be on Xmas 2020 which is right around the corner :D

... unless you get bogged in endless mods and improvements of already perfect design. Start pounding those rivets and by the time you are done with trim tab send your deposit for wings. There will be a fun feeling after hanging an engine - you may realize you haven't started yet :D

Spot on Mel! I've been "done" for about 2 years now and I still visit this site everyday. Not only do I use it as a resource for RV questions but for travel and interest stories. My bucket list just keeps growing!
Good choice! Love my -9A. Good luck with your build. Get into the habit of searching here on VAF before each step and you will save yourself lots of head scratching (which will happen after you get thru the tail kit).

Looking through your Picasa pictures, saw the pic of your Neon with the engine pieces stuffed in the trunk.

Laughed a little because it's eerily similar to the post of the tail kit stuffed in my SRT-4 that I had to post for all the family members that didn't understand how I could drive the tail of a plane back up to Washington.

I often revisit my own site to make sure I really did it! I even need to pinch myself once in a while during takeoff to make sure it real!

Hope you enjoyed my site. Please take lots of photos, thousands isn't enough. And please put some online for us to enjoy. It's a great ride.
Congrats on starting!! A build thread is pretty much mandatory. :) (Not really, but I find they keep me motivated during the process.)

Vlad, incredible picture...taken right before you knife-edged it through the formations? :D:D These planes are real magic carpets, wrought from rivets and aluminum.