
Well Known Member
After making minor adjustments from Jesse's flight yesterday 789KD was ready to take an additional exit from those surly bonds of the earth. This time it was Jesse and I lifting off this am.

Florida's summer weather hasn't been the normal sun in the morning and rain in the afternoon. Got to X35 about 9:00 driving thru showers. Kathy and I cleaned up the hanger a bit and looked west to see if the storm would arrive and then clear up. it never came, but after an hour things looked good. Went up to Jesse's hanger and pulled him away from a 10 that was being prepped for Osh. Off the two of us went with Kathy the film crew.

My RV grin was fixed on my face as the main gear left the ground. Smooth as maple syrup(el). At 2000' it was my aircraft. You need to fly a 9 with two fingers. Trim was easy to adjust. Turns are easy to coordinate and the thing can climb! As this is the second flight, there's a fair amount of just driving around in the area of X35. Got to get the engine broken in. As for specs: all the EHT's were very near each other (number 1 cyl. air dam removed) oil pressure, fuel flow, oil temp, alt. numbers just right, etc. Jesse is happy with the RTV work to improve cooling.

Time to land and the 9's Jesse's. It was an excellent touchdown and all was great.

All you builders underway, don't stop, one day you too can fly an airplane YOU (and friends and family) built. It's not short term but long term satisfaction
What a thrilling moment that must've been, taking the controls for the first time. Congrats, and thanks for sharing!