
Well Known Member
I'm reading the install manual for my SL30 and it says that both sides (Nav&Comm) of the radio are protected by a built in fuse, one for each side and of differing values. So for example the manual says the radio has lets say a 7 amp built in fuse on the comm side and should be protected by a 5amp fuse on the down leg. Does that mean that there should be a fuse on the ground side of the radio? I'm just not sure what ?Down Side? means.
Nav is recieve only, will have a lower value fuse.

Comm uses a lot more power when transmitting, thus a higher value fuse.

These internal fuses protect what is in the box.

You want to put in a fuse/CB to protect the wiring going to the box.

Just use the size recommended by the mfg, and you should be fine.
In this case the "down side" simply means toward the power source. Put the recommended fuse/breaker in the V+ connections to the Nav and Comm power leads.