
Well Known Member
Hello fellow RVators.

This will be more for the European Rvator than the rest of you.......

Next years summer hollidays I am planning a trip around Europe with my new RV-9A. To be able to plan the trip and book hotels, etc. I need maps. What I am realy looking for is old (out of date) "Jepessen VFR+GPS Charts", 1:500.000, of France, Spain, Portugal, Italy, Austria, Switzerland and Germany.

I need them to plan our trip and then, early next year, when the new 2011 maps come out, I will buy the ones that I realy need for the trip, in their latest version.

So, if anybody has any out of date maps of the forementioned regions, that are willing to send them to me, I would be realy greatfull. Of course I will pay the stamps.

Kind regards,