
Well Known Member
OK, first the disclamer...99% of the stuff I've bought from people on this forum has been in good working condition and what I consider to be pretty good deals but......I bought a DG and AI from one who listed them to be in good working condition. My bad...I usually don't unpack stuff until the time it's needed. Well, the AI has a nice crack along the bottom of the face(glass) and the DG looks like a metal fitting was tightened (vacuum) until the boss cracked. Somebody used teflon tape to seal it and that acually is jammed in the crack.
My point is "watch out for this kinda shady stuff" when you buy something used. I still really like VAF but it doesn't take too many bad apples to ruin the barrel.
thanks for letting me rant a bit. I'm at work and can't do a beer until I get home tonight.
Bad instruments

OK, first the disclamer...99% of the stuff I've bought from people on this forum has been in good working condition and what I consider to be pretty good deals but......I bought a DG and AI from one who listed them to be in good working condition. My bad...I usually don't unpack stuff until the time it's needed. Well, the AI has a nice crack along the bottom of the face(glass) and the DG looks like a metal fitting was tightened (vacuum) until the boss cracked. Somebody used teflon tape to seal it and that acually is jammed in the crack.
My point is "watch out for this kinda shady stuff" when you buy something used. I still really like VAF but it doesn't take too many bad apples to ruin the barrel.
thanks for letting me rant a bit. I'm at work and can't do a beer until I get home tonight.

I would love some instruments for my airplane factory/man cave. If you decide to sell them, PM please.
You have to ask DR what the rules are, but as far as I'm concerned it's okay to publish the seller's name if he won't take them back.