
Well Known Member
Don't want opinions. I?m wondering if there is a table of the number of each RV model that are built with a nose vs tail wheel. Maybe the number of kits sold and also the number flying. Just curious.
I think you have to contact Van's for that number.

I don?t think vans tracks that. I asked them for that data a year ago and they said they did not have that data. I asked for number flying data. They probably have number sold but not sure they will release that. They pointed me to look in the FAA registry.
Would be interesting to know the ratio but from what I've seen on various plane sites, at fly ins and general photos etc on the net the conventional u/c variety isn't as popular these days as more and more kits get sold/started, well as far as I can tell anyway.
Personally I prefer the conventional u/c feels like a real mans plane but that's just me:D
One Percenter...

Don't want opinions. I’m wondering if there is a table of the number of each RV model that are built with a nose vs tail wheel. Maybe the number of kits sold and also the number flying. Just curious.
I can assure you with some certainty that the RV-3 and RV-4 are 100% Tail Dragger...
Models designed afterward were well, after thoughts...
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I can assure you with some certainty that the RV-3 and RV-4 are 100% Tail Dragger...
Models designed afterward were well, after thoughts...

Except for the -9 and -14 on which the tailwheel was the later model to appear.
I can assure you with some certainty that the RV-3 and RV-4 are 100% Tail Dragger.....[/I]


I'm not sure about the -4. Some years back there was an article in either KitPlanes or Sport Aviation about a guy who converted his -4 to a tricycle. The reason he gave was that he never felt comfortable flying a taildragger but liked the way the -4 flew.

I have always wondered if that plane is still flying.

Except for the -9 and -14 on which the tailwheel was the later model to appear.

I was being a bit facetious in that I when I purchased my RV4 tail kit, there were only 2 kits, the 3 and 4. Every design afterward, (RV-6-14) were an afterthought.
When the RV6 was announced, several "old school" builders (like myself) made offhand comments in the RV8R newsletter. One I remember was "First a side by side, next thing, Van will bolt on a nose wheel!"
And he did...
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I was being a bit facetious in that I when I purchased my RV4 tail kit, there were only 2 kits, the 3 and 4. Every design afterward, (RV-6-14) were an afterthought.
When the RV6 was announced, several "old school" builders (like myself) made offhand comments in the RV8R newsletter. One I remember was "First a side by side, next thing, Van will bolt on a nose wheel!"
And he did...

Ah. Just so.
Nose wheel vs tailwheel

I was at the Van's factory a little over a year ago. I ask them which there were more of and they said nose wheel. That surprised me as I thought there were more tail wheel Van's aircraft.