
Well Known Member
The recent thread comparing different tailwheels got me wondering. No one complains about tailwheel problems (other than the risk of ground loops). But lots of people have complained about nosewheel issues. If there really are 3 or 4 different tailwheels available, why aren't there a similar number of nosewheel options? I'm guessing the demand is there.

Or perhaps there are nosewheel options, and I'm just not aware of them.
The recent thread comparing different tailwheels got me wondering. No one complains about tailwheel problems (other than the risk of ground loops). But lots of people have complained about nosewheel issues. If there really are 3 or 4 different tailwheels available, why aren't there a similar number of nosewheel options? I'm guessing the demand is there.

Or perhaps there are nosewheel options, and I'm just not aware of them.

Well, because real pilots....just kidding!
Grove has an option...not convinced it will fix all the NW issues Ive heard of, but I bought one.

The recent thread comparing different tailwheels got me wondering. No one complains about tailwheel problems (other than the risk of ground loops). But lots of people have complained about nosewheel issues. If there really are 3 or 4 different tailwheels available, why aren't there a similar number of nosewheel options? I'm guessing the demand is there.

Or perhaps there are nosewheel options, and I'm just not aware of them.

Don't tell anybody.............. :D

But you know that red and whilte nose gear plane that you flew in?

Well,.... in the hangar just behind it to the north.............there are two tailwheel planes in there, that suffered significant damage. One ground looped, and the other left the runway when the tailwheel came apart.....supposeably. It's an F1 or Rocket, and quite frankly, they do need look sharp, IMO.

The red and while 9A is still doing just fine... :) In fact, nose-gear RV's do rather well when either the nose or main tire goes flat. How do tailwheel RV's do? I don't know the statistics, but I know of one RV6 that took out some runway landing lights with a tire problem.

L.Adamson --- RV6A
Nose Wheel Option

I will start this by saying that I haven't researched this but!!!

The nose wheel on the RV-12 uses the same 500 X 5 that the mains use. It's a nice castering nose wheel and it's got some mass to it, as well as a plush tire. Plus, there is a wheel pant kit for it. Not sure if it would work, but if I was an RV-XXA driver, and operated out of anything other than a hard surface runway, I would certainly look at the possibility of incorporating that change into my airplane. It goes without saying that it will cost you a tad of airspeed, but then again......take a look at the rollover incidents.

Just my 2 cents worth, coming from a RV-12 builder, who will be flying in and out if small farm strips in Kentucky. And, soon I hope.

-12 nosewheel pics?

The nose wheel on the RV-12 uses the same 500 X 5 that the mains use. It's a nice castering nose wheel and it's got some mass to it, as well as a plush tire. Plus, there is a wheel pant kit for it. Not sure if it would work, but if I was an RV-XXA driver, and operated out of anything other than a hard surface runway, I would certainly look at the possibility of incorporating that change into my airplane.
Tom - this is an interesting idea. Can you (or one of you other -12 guys) post some good pics of the -12 nosewheel assembly, both on and off the airplane? It would be good for us all to see it.

Sit and watch

Up until not so long ago I owned a 152. When I first bought it I let my son get his pilots certificate in it. We flew only occasionally together and when we did I usually flew PIC. One day he told me he was thinking of going flying and asked if I cared to go along so I did. The flight went fine right up until he made a beautiful three point landing at which point I turned and said "if you ever land this plane like that again you will not be flying it ever again". I instructed him that the way I wanted my plane to be treated was to have all landings on the mains and that the nose should settle on its own only after you have done everything you can to keep it off. Then I took him back around and showed him what I wanted. After that I started seeing much better landings from him and even though they weren't all as perfect as I wanted to see the effort was always there. So, on this note most of the live action video I see of planes flipping over the nose look to be caused by the good ol three pointer or the nose being allowed to settle with to much speed. I know this can't account for every incident involving broken nose wheels but I'm thinking it's a large part of it.

RV's being taxiied over the rough ground at say Arlington this year....Waay too fast and the NG's making like a blur and I think you'd end up agreed with this post.

My NG never touches the ground unless it physically has to..if the grass is too rough and the nose is starting to pogo..yes i get out and pull it.

A PITA yes but way better than bending the gear.

Good View Here!

Tom - this is an interesting idea. Can you (or one of you other -12 guys) post some good pics of the -12 nosewheel assembly, both on and off the airplane? It would be good for us all to see it.


Hey Dave,
I'm building in my basement and since height is a problem, I have not installed the nosegear at this point. Marty Santic has some great photos. Go to his blog at
Then, if you click on his June 09 post and scroll down to the 22nd, he has some super pictures of the nose gear installation. Hope that helps.

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