
Active Member
I was installing the tubes in the tires today and the main tires look good but the nose wheel tube doesn't. Is the nose wheel tube different than the main wheels tubes. All my tubes are all the same but the long neck on the nose wheel tube and the lack of a grommet seems wrong......
I was installing the tubes in the tires today and the main tires look good but the nose wheel tube doesn't. Is the nose wheel tube different than the main wheels tubes. All my tubes are all the same but the long neck on the nose wheel tube and the lack of a grommet seems wrong......

The nose tube can work in the mains (not recommended) but the main tube wont work in the nose...... You really need three new tubes.
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The book and Vans says all three tubes are the same but the stem seems very long for the nose wheel. Vans says some builders have used a different tube.
Any suggestions?
If Vans sent you a Matco NW 501.25 nose wheel, it is not compatible with the long stem tubes. You might want to use a Matco NW511.25 wheel which should work. It would be good to have to carry only 1 type tube .
Yes I do have the NW 501.25 nose wheel. The stem is very long. The factory said to just take off the valve cap.... It does just clear but would prefer a shorter valve stem so I can keep the cap on..

Thanks all
The factory has sent you a wheel that is not compatible with a long stem If you look up the NW 501.25 wheel , it specs out a short stem, 90 degree, TR87 tube. The 3 tubes that Vans supplies are for the Grove Mains.
If you want to carry only one type of spare tube, call Matco and exchange your 501.25 wheel for a 511.25.
Call Matco and discuss your concerns, they made the wheel.No
The factory has sent you a wheel that is not compatible with a long stem If you look up the NW 501.25 wheel , it specs out a short stem, 90 degree, TR87 tube. The 3 tubes that Vans supplies are for the Grove Mains.
If you want to carry only one type of spare tube, call Matco and exchange your 501.25 wheel for a 511.25.
Call Matco and discuss your concerns, they made the wheel.No

While you discuss the wheel with Matco, it might be worth discussing the axle as well. I see that Van's new setup -14A nose wheel axle mimicks the Matco upgrade, so I'm not sure if its worth the upgrade.
If I remember right (it's been a while) only one of the wheel halves has the opening for the filler tube. If you put that wheel half on the side away from the tube direction, the tube will clear the fork