
I'm New Here
I needed to change the inner tube on the nose wheel. When I tried to split the rim, easier said than done, the axle going through the bearing would not move laterally. After much effort, resulting in ordering a new axle and bearings, I was able to split the rim. To prevent this issue in the future, I am thinking of using a high temp lubricant to possibly prevent this. Any other suggestions?
Welcome to VAF

Joseph, welcome to VAF.

Any idea what caused the axle and bearings to freeze together??

How many hours/landings on the plane?

Operating conditions for the airstrip----wet, dusty, etc?

This is not a common issue.

Didn't figure this was a common problem, otherwise an SB would be issued. I have 500 hours and about 1000 landings. All landings at air ports, no off field landings. This is the new fork in stalled in 2017. As I stated, I replaced the tires and tubes at 180 hours, about three years ago. No issues then.