
Well Known Member
While fluting the web at the front of the inboard nose-rib of the left horizontal stabilizer (as per instructions, so it will fit into the skin), I applied too much pressure and cracked the web of the rib here.
I used a scotchbright-wheel to grind-out the crack and smooth the area, but the result is a loss of material on the web. Photo link:

Should I:

a) use the part as it is,

b) cut a small peice of aluminum for re-enforcing and rivet it to the damaged area of the rib, or

c) order a replacement part?

I've also contacted Vans to get their suggestion.
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Even though the part could probably be used as is I would always go with the safer option of ordering a new part. It's only a few dollars and it will give your hands a break from deburing. Good luck, Bri
Fluting nose ribs

If you can, see if the nose rib will fit without fluting the tip, mine did.
flyboykelly said:
Even though the part could probably be used as is I would always go with the safer option of ordering a new part. It's only a few dollars and it will give your hands a break from deburing. Good luck, Bri

Although it could be repaired your easiest course of action is to have it replaced
Hey look Phil, it's an excuse to do your VS first like I recommended! :) :) :)

I echo the opinions above -- I think it would *probably* be fine, but it's a really cheap part... and you'll probably have other stuff you'll want to order from Van's by the time you're done with the VS and other tail feathers.

As someone else mentioned I only needed very light fluting in that spot. My ribs still needed to be pushed down pretty good, but not because of interference at the tip.

Thanks for your replies. I've ordered a replacement part from vans. Actually it feels good in a weird way to have gotten past the first mistake, and it only cost me a few bucks.

Bruce at Vans said the rib was fine and could be used as-is... I guess it's not really a load-bearing part...