
Well Known Member
I hope not to jinx anyone, but it seems to me like it has been a while since an A model has nosed over (Other than a for-cause crash landing). Are the various fixes that have been applied to much of the fleet working? My gut assessment is telling me yes.
I have about 500 grass landings on my 6A. I have: the Vans SB, Metco Axel, Anti Splat Nose Job, and the Anti Splat lip skid. I run 45psi in my nose wheel.
I always use full aft stick, but I have a relatively nose heavy plane, so I can't say the nose doesn't see some rough action. There is no marking on my nose gear to indicate that the nose job has ever bottomed out against it.
I think your right saying the problem has been solved. Wow 500 landings on grass, that must be your home airport...
Flat tire

On returning to FLX from a typical cross-country, my nose wheel went flat. I noticed flapping noises and bumping as soon as the nose wheel touched down. I exited the runway with full aft stick. No drama.

RV9A with the Anti-splat nose job, bearings, and balanced tire. Asphalt runway in good shape.

Some scuffing on the front wheel pant. The rear pant was untouched.
I guess it was solved at the factory before I bought and built an RV9A kit. If the problem ever existed. Over 150 different unpaved strips visited and some off airport sites the training wheel does the job perfect. No aftermarket mods whatsoever :D