
Well Known Member
hi all, does anyone have any pics of a fork that has developed the cracks the new fork is made to prevent? thanks.
hi all, does anyone have any pics of a fork that has developed the cracks the new fork is made to prevent? thanks.

It was my understanding that the nose gear LEG cracks were determined to be internal, and not able to be observed from the outside. So pics would not be available.
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Nose fork cracks

Nose gear fork cracks are visible/ inspectable. Nose gear leg cracks are not visible or inspectable. I still have the original nose fork, no cracks as yet. New fork and leg on order.
nose gear fork cracks

I still have the original nose gear fork and gear. I don't have wheel pants so I inspect the nose gear fork on every preflight. No cracks at this time.
730 hours in 5 years for me. No cracks and no plans to change the fork and gear leg. If you can't land this plane softly you need to take up basket weaving..
I have a 2015 RV-12 S-LSA with original nose gear and nose fork. No observable cracks but being an S-LSA I ordered the parts anyway and supposed to be installed this week. 350 Hobbs Hours
Mine has been flying since 2015, E-LSA, I changed both at 380 hours just because. There was no obvious problem with either the leg or fork. If someone needs spares contact me.
Mine has been flying since 2015, E-LSA, I changed both at 380 hours just because. There was no obvious problem with either the leg or fork. If someone needs spares contact me.

I received new parts from Van's for the nose gear and nose fork and also ordered the unpainted nose pant for my S-LSA. What is your experience in installing the new nose pant. Looks very complicated and requires painting.
I received new parts from Van's for the nose gear and nose fork and also ordered the unpainted nose pant for my S-LSA. What is your experience in installing the new nose pant. Looks very complicated and requires painting.

After talking to Vans and some people on the forum I decided to reused my pant and sent the new one back for credit.

You will have to remove the doubler plates from the faring bracket on your original front pant then rivet the new doublers onto your bracket. Do not remove the faring bracket only the doubler. Spend a little time understanding how it will fit because you will have to redrill the rivet holes it's not "plug & play". In the end I feel it takes less time to re-engineer to use the old pant than build up the new one.