Active Member
I saw a thread on this recently but can’t find it. When I put the bottom bolts in the nose gear mount and torque them down and then line the upper part of the nose gear to the firewall there’s about an 1/8 inch gap on one side compared to the other. It appears this is due to the welding on the nose gear. Here is a picture for reference. Has anyone run into this and if so did you just bolt it down and move on or do something to correct it? This picture is from the top looking down.


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That was Tony Scaglione's post from 6 days ago on Facebook's "Van's RV-12 Builders" group.

I'm on 35iS/U-09 step 1 installing WD-1201-1 nose gear leg. After installing the 13 bolts on the bottom bracket I noticed I have a 1/8+ gap on 1 side of the top bracket. The weld is clocked 1 degree off compared to the bottom bracket. Installed temporary bolts and it pulls the firewall out bowing it and the bracket never sits fully flush. Removed the nose gear and it will teeter on a flat table. Has anyone else had a fitment issue?

He reported that the factory sent out a new leg to him.
Thanks for that. That’s where I saw it. I just sent Support an email. We will see what they say.