
Well Known Member
We are working along on the 14A and it will be a long while till our 390 motor and prop arrive because the ordering and delivery time from Lycoming. My question for the brain trust is: Do you think it would be OK to build the whole nose assembly without the motor? I will have no idea if the hole in the front is centered. I would be depending on the straight edges of the peaces are supplied by Vans. I plan to build it with the Van's supplied hinge set up.
It would be great to plow forward - but don't know if that it is the right thing to do? Hopefully some of you would know.
Thanks, Larry
If by nose assembly you mean the cowling, than my guess you will have about 20% chance of getting semi close. But if you mean the nose gear, then you absolutely can proceed and will be required to be done before the engine arrives.

To fit the cowling, you will need the engine and at the prop with the front spinner plate mounted so you can complete that portion of the project.

Hope this is of any help.
We are working along on the 14A and it will be a long while till our 390 motor and prop arrive because the ordering and delivery time from Lycoming. My question for the brain trust is: Do you think it would be OK to build the whole nose assembly without the motor?

Thanks, Larry

You absolutely need the engine in place (or a very accurate mock-up) to position the cowl correctly. I don't think there is any way around it.
How about find a junk/damaged/prop strike/run out whatever and install it temporarily til your engine arrives? Maybe find a local block that someone was going to use as a boat anchor. Is the 360 the same physical size in anything that matters as far as cowling fitting goes? As far as the spinner/prop centering don't most just use a plywood mockup to center in the cowling?

just spitballing ideas here as I will be approaching this situation soon.....
I would not attempt it without at least the engine in place. That's a whole lot of detail work to be "guessing" on getting it right. There must still be plenty to keep you busy in the mean time. My prop arrival was delayed, but with the engine mounted I used the Flyboys cowling alignment tool with great success. Good Luck!
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To fit the cowling, you will need the engine and at the prop with the front spinner plate mounted so you can complete that portion of the project.

Fitting the cowling is a lot of work. Trim edges, fit test the cowl, trim edges, fit test the cowl, and a few times more . . .
having the engine and prop and spinner plate mounted is a must, and I had my baffles and seals installed too - not sure if it would be possible to fit properly without those installed.
Grateful for you help!!

After reading the replies I will wait until the motor is mounted.
Thank you! It most likely saved me a lot of trouble if I did not ask.