
Well Known Member

I like to share some VERY GOOD NEWS with you folks:
Last Friday, my RV-7 named "Wilco" passed the final inspection and was approved as a "real airplane"! That means I can now fly with passengers and fly out of the country.

The testflying phase went well and both my plane and me are now ready to fly with my wife (she had never flown an RV before) and my 6 man (!) building crew. (they are all retired a/c technicans from the Norwegain Airforce)
All of them have REALLY deserves some RV-rides now!

The inspector gave us alot of credit and nice words for the project and that goes to all of us, but first of all to my building team!

Here's the LT inspector Bjørn Erling Hansen checking the paperwork:
("LT" is the Norwegian equivalent to FAA)

And below are some happy guys:
From the left: Bjørnar Vollstad, leader of Chapter 573 Norway.
Kjell Nøstdal, the technical controller during the building phase.
and Bjørn Erling.

And below is another pic of two happy guys: the inspector and yours truly.

My wife and me are planning to do some traveling in Norway, Sweden and Denmark this summer so this is going to be fun-fun-fun!!
Needless to say: by now I'm REALLY happy that "we've been pounding those rivets".....
Let the adventure begin....
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It is a good time

From your description of what you can do now I assume you were able to fly by yourself in Norway before the inspection. If true you are well past the most vulnerable "shakedown" flight phase. I will be keeping my eyes open for a white RV-7 in September - since there is only one in Norway it will have to be you.

Bob Axsom
Some answers:

Hi again.

To answer your questions guys:

Pierre: I'm away from home until Thursday, but I'll post a few pics when I'm back home.

Bob: Yes, I've about 70 hrs on the plane by now, but only 25 was required for the testphase.
I flew however, about 25 hrs for breakin, then about 25 hrs for the testflying phase and the rest has been formation and aerobatics.
I had to wait until now for the final inspection because I'd to do the first annual before reporting the plane ready for the inspection.
And the duedate for the next annuals will be at the same time of year as the first one, so I waited until spring before doing it. Didn't want to do annual during winter in the cold Norway...

September: I'm going to keep my eye open for a westbound touristbus so I can get some strafing practice!.... or maybe I schould do the 5* lowangle high drag bombing run like we did in the F-5 "way back when"... hehe...

Vladyspassky: Thanks neighbour! I'm based in the very SE corner of Norway, close to the city Fredrikstad.
Congratulations Alf! It's been a long run, but will be well worth it. Thanks for all the updates, pictures and write ups along the way. If you're ever here in the U.S. and need an RV fix, come on by.
plane pics

Hi again.

As requested, here's a couple of pics of my pride'n joy...

PS: The scheme are copied from a US-builder: Steve Nyman.

After the pics where taken, the pants and fairings where installed permanentely with nutplates etc.
On the top pic, the pants and fairings are installed with "speedtape" for use during the testflying phase.
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