
I'm New Here
Howdy, Im here to bug you guys again. ;)

Anyone bringing their Vans to this one?

Its in Eugene, OR from the 25th to 26th. (This Saturday and Sunday).


Btw, last year, a formation of about 4 or 5 Vans flew in and did a formation break and then landed, I remember one of the Vans being like a American Flag scheme.
Factory Aircraft

At this time, Vans will be bringing the RV-10 on Saturday and the RV-12 on Sunday. All weather permitting of course. There should also be quite a few others from the local area.
Joe Blank said:
At this time, Vans will be bringing the RV-10 on Saturday and the RV-12 on Sunday. All weather permitting of course. There should also be quite a few others from the local area.

Just out of curiousity, I was wondering if Vans is considering demo rides in the -12 at some point. Any thoughts on opening up rides? I love hearing about how the plane flies from people...more people flying it and giving their thoughts would be nice :D