
Well Known Member
It almost seems routine at this point. My 18 y/o son and I set off June 30 for our (almost) annual summer flying trip. We have been doing this for 6 or seven years now.


KPXE (Perry, GA.) to KLUA (Luray, VA).
The airport at Luray is about 1 mile from Luray Caverns and the attendants are happy to drive you over and pick you up when you are ready to go. I had not been to the caverns since 1976...the stalagtites probably grew 1/4 inch since I was there last.



KLUA to KMDT (Harrisburg, PA)
Harrisburg is where I grew up and my mother still lives. We stayed overnight at her house after dinner in Hershey and a little visiting with old friends.



The next day we had lunch at my favorite cheesesteak place in downtown Harrisburg, then drove the rental car to NYC. I was thinking about flying us closer to the city but realized a 3 hour car ride would be the better way to go. So the plane stayed tied down at MDT.

We spent the next two days in NYC seeing the sights and learning how to use the subway system. We had a wonderful time!


On July 4 we departed MDT after the clouds cleared out. Hurricane Arthur was cruising up the coast which gave us a nice tailwind all the way home. We flew for 4 hours and still landed with reserves.

