G Swartley

Well Known Member
I drove to the First Northeast RV Fly-in at Bloomsburg PA. I have to say I had a wonderful time and would like to say thanks to Jim and the Whole gang at Bloomsburg for putting on a great show. The weather (The only thing they could not control) put a damper on Saturday, but we did get to see a Chopper fly in during a cloud burst.

Anyway here are some pictures I took.


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I think I only saw half of the planes that showed up!

My current moving mode limited my time up there, but Jim and colleagues put on a really fine fly-in. Thanks, guys! The breakfast was fantastic (whoever made the fried potatoes did a wonderful job!) and the atmosphere was great for meeting folks. Too bad that the weather wasn't more cooperative. I brought a work colleague along and, I think, he has the RV virus pretty bad now. :)

The trip was another endorsement of 396/XM weather for me. With the really nasty storm yesterday and the prediction of unsettled weather for this afternoon, I was glad to be able to fire up the 396 before departure and see what was building, and where. I also don't want to fly the D.C. area without it. The direct route from Shannon to Bloomsburg would have taken me over downtown D.C. Deviating to the west on the way up put me on the path over Camp David. The 396 is wonderful in keeping me clear. Then, on the way home, I used the 396 to weave through all the restricted space to the east. I sure miss the relatively freedom of the western skies. We have lots of Restricted airspace out west, but at least they are fewer (but larger). Not all these little, often irregular sites around D.C. The flight was interesting, but not nearly as much fun as when you don't constantly have to worry about what restricted area is in front (or beside) you.
Boy, it sure looked a lot greener there than it did at our lunch at Llano (TX) today - it's only June,and things are already brown out in central Texas....

Good to see that "Mikey" made it!
More Pictures of Fly-In

Had a great time at this fly-in today. Great airplanes and great people. In case anyone is interested, below is a link to well over a 100 pictures from today. It starts with our trip from Warrenton over to Bloomsburg with some formation flight, pictures of an RV-8 under construction there, other RVs that made it in, and then the return flight to Warrenton.


Kirk; nice to meet you today and loved the chance to look at your 8.

Louise, good to see you, and good luck wrapping up your things here in the DC area. Mikey's panel looks great in person!
Been to plenty of airshows, but this was my first fly-in. We had a good time.

Saturday was (understandably) a little subdued due to the WX issues, but it was nice to see magnetos and carbs again, and hear stuff I learned in A&P school and have managed to forget since then. Jeff from Lycoming did a nice presentation, and left us with a teaser of big news from them at Oshkosh...

Sunday was GREAT! I thought my wife was into the RV idea before... now that she's seen some up-close, she's WAY into it! I now have pre-approval for:
- a carbon fiber panel/panel overlay
- EFIS/EIS (her-"I don't like those round gauges. Get the screens." me-"Yes, dear." :D )
- "A cool paintjob" - she really likes the checkerboard patterns on the rudder & flaps. Not so much the bare metal.

My only regret is that I didn't get to meet many owners/builders. I met Jim and the folks building the -8 in the hangar on Saturday, and one -8 (black and gray with black&white checkered rudder) builder today (whose name I can't remember - I'm terrible about that), but that was it. I guess I need to speak up more...
I met Jim and the folks building the -8 in the hangar on Saturday, and one -8 (black and gray with black&white checkered rudder) builder today (whose name I can't remember - I'm terrible about that), but that was it. I guess I need to speak up more...

That would be Rob Brooks, out of Warrenton, VA.

You all have no idea how much these pictures and comments mean to us. Thanks for posting the pics, and all of the nice comments! I wish we would have had more time to spend with all of you (which was the reason that we planned a two day event). Hopefully next year we will have blue skies for both days.

We have many more pictures, but we were all a little too tired last night to get them posted. We will put them up soon.

Thanks to everyone for attending.
Stop rubbing it in.......

We had 1600 bkn and 2000 overcast with Tstorms at my home field on Saturday. Too many commitments on Sunday. I'm really disappointed that I missed this one.

Hopefully, I'll catch you guys up at "my place" Lawrence,Ma. KLWM on July 12. Now, I will go back to looking at the pictures ... :)

Great time

I have to say that this is one of the best local fly-ins I have attended. I couldn't stop laughing at the ice cream machine - what a wheez banger that thing is. It was genius.

It was good to see so many RV's out there and meet several of the VAF crowd. Jarhead, it was indeed me that you met - glad we were able to convince your Chief Financial Officer on your future RV project.;)

Louise, thanks for the more recent PIREP about conditions back in NoVA - things were indeed starting to build and Rick Mc Bride (Twitterpated) and I threaded our way through some widely scattered cells on the way back.

Great photos Fernando (my GIB)!

Thanks to Jim and his gang for hosting a great event,

People's Choice Award

He is too humble to say, but Rick McBride (Twitterpated) won the award.
People's Choice RV Award

Thanks Fernando, I was just working on posting that info.

As Fernando said, the winner of the Bloomsburg RV Fly-In 2008 People’s Choice RV Award was Rick McBride and his beautiful "Twitterpated!". Congratulations Rick!

In a very close second place was Ron Snyder and N967RS.
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Need Help Finding Pic of Ron Snyder and N967RS

I have been searching though the pictures trying to find one of Ron Snyder and N967RS. Can someone help me out?
pics of 967 RS

That's me Jim. I sent you a couple of pics via e-mail. Let me know if you didn't get them an I'll try again. Computers an me are mortal enemies! Ron
More photos, etc.

Well, congratulations, Rick! You do have a wonderful bird.

I ran out to Mikey's home this afternoon and saw compelling evidence of why I'm glad I had XM Weather on Sunday. We were planning on swinging by the Eastern Shore for Soup on Sunday on our way back but the XM Weather information I saw on the ground at Bloomsburg convinced me to head straight home. Good thing as a strong storm passed through Fredericksburg and resulted in this tree topple about the time we would have gotten back if we had gone by Campbell Field. :eek:


My photos from the fly-in and flight are at: http://picasaweb.google.com/DrKarst/BloomsburgFlyIn


Glad to hear you all had a good time last weekend. Perhaps though it would be useful to consult an atlas and rename the event. VA, MD, PA generally count as Mid Atlantic in most books. ME, NH, VT, MA are a little bit more in the Northeast category.

To put it differently, y'all ah Sutheners and we are Yang-kees, or if you prefer, d*mn Yang-kees.