
Well Known Member
The weather here in North Texas is expected to be unseasonably cool this weekend. I thought it might be a good opportunity to get outdoors, see some cool airplanes and meet some new friends. It's also an opportunity for me to check out some of the area airports as I start to consider where to keep this thing once it's actually an airplane.

To that end, is anyone going to be haning out around the airport this weekend and wouldn't mind a visitor? I live just a stone's throw from downtown Dallas.

P.S. Feel free to PM me if you prefer.
First Saturday, EAA Chapter 1246, Coffee & Donuts @ KTKI, 9 am .....
MHOA Hangars
I'll be out a Hicks (T67) Saturday. Feel free to stop by and check it out! I sent you a PM with my cell number so you can make sure I'm there.
