
Well Known Member
Last weekend I finished my 3rd acro contest (2nd sportsman contest) and I am still somewhat disappointed that there are no other RVs around in the North/East. Only one I saw was Ron last year at Mason Dixon which is really the southern part of the North/East.

Anybody out there?

Next contest I will go to is Keene Fall Classic

I haven't been there but that seems like the perfect contest for somebody to get started. Only one day long, only primary and sportsman offered.

So you don't have to worry about the 3 overnights. Taking vacation on Friday etc... .

Anybody up for it? I am at N40 if you want to chat.

IAC contest

Thanks for the posting for the contest, but I didn't see it listed on the IAC website. Looks like a great opportunity to go, see, and participate for anyone interested. It didn't mention if they would have a practice day before. Also congratulations on a good showing at last week's contest. Looks like you need some coaching and practice on your full Cuban and spin. It'll come, and you'll have fun practicing too. If I weren't a chicken and only day VFR short cross countries, would love to go.
Bill McLean
RV-4 slider
lower AL
Thanks for the posting for the contest, but I didn't see it listed on the IAC website. Looks like a great opportunity to go, see, and participate for anyone interested. It didn't mention if they would have a practice day before. Also congratulations on a good showing at last week's contest. Looks like you need some coaching and practice on your full Cuban and spin. It'll come, and you'll have fun practicing too. If I weren't a chicken and only day VFR short cross countries, would love to go.
Bill McLean
RV-4 slider
lower AL

Yes I am struggling with the Cuban. 1/2 rolls in the middle, 45 degree line, partial loops at same altitude with same radius lots of things to get wrong.... . I finally had the 1/2 rolls in the middle but then I ended up lower on the exit.... . So I changed that ... .

I also just started building a sighting devices based on Ron's plans. Hopefully that will help a bit with the 45 degree lines... .

Spin I am usually not that bad but I am used to having perpendicular lines in the box. Couldn't find any of those at the last contest and by the time I got used to the side picture the contest was over.... .

Also still torque my hammerheads... .

So enough to do to not get bored.

The biggest struggle for me is the lack of a ground observer. Outside contests I had only 3 days this year so for most of my practice I am on my own.

As for Keene Fall Classic it's on the IAC list:

It's on 10/14. Didn't the link in the first post work?

I don't think they are planing on any practice as it all has to fit in one day.

I'll be at the Warrenton, VA contest next weekend and will bring Jon Thocker of Redline Airshows with me. It's Jon's first contest. Anyone else interested?