Active Member
Hi y'all, I looking for a destination in northern CA or southern OR to fly to in my RV, rent a car, and spend about 3-4 nights time in an outdoors-type setting (maybe a cabin?) with my two adult (in their 20s) kids--but not more than a 30 drive to a brew pub. Any suggestions?

I'm planning for the late August time frame; I can expect good VFR weather then, no? --Thanks!
Yosemite comes to mind. Also Kings Canyon, Sequoia Nat Parks.

Fly into most any Sierra foothill airport, and there will be something neat to do in a short drive.

One thing you need to check on is rental car availability--- lots of small airports dont have em.

Placerville, Grass Valley, Oroville, Auburn, all in the heart of the gold rush country.

East side of the Sierras also neat----Bridgeport would be a good home base for day trips, dont know about a rental car though. Mammoth is also a good one, but stretching the NorCal thing. Susanville would fit in this list well.
Klamath Falls

K Falls is a good place to "base from". Can drive to Lava Beds Ntl Monument, lots of lava tubes you can walk through. Also easy drive to Crater Lake Ntl Park. Crater Lake is a must see, but probably can't get to the rim until June due to snow.
Columbia is a neat CA State Park...

....that you can walk to from the airport - no rental car needed.



Another day trip could be to Gold Beach, OR (but only just in OR...:)..) - you can walk to the Jet Boat trips up the Rogue River.


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Those all sound like cool places to base out of.

What about Shasta Nat'l Rec Area just north of Redding, CA? Any info on this area?
Ashland...maybe could work!

I hadn't thought about Ashland when considering outdoors and brew, but it sounds like it could fit the bill. Most of our group would enjoy the theater--and it looks like they have wineries too! Thanks for the good ideas guys!
Columbia, CA

If you've never been to Columbia, CA, (O22), it's a must stop place! You can walk from the airport to town (about a 1/2 mile). Columbia is a restored gold mining town (actually a CA State Park), complete with stores, hotels, restaurants.
Gold Beach, Oregon

As az-gila recommended previously Gold beach fits your stated limits very well. It is a fresh, invigorating enviroment by the ocean and the various jet boat rides (half day, full day ...) up the Rogue River are exciting and both times we have gone there we saw a lot of wild life in their natural environment.

Outside your specified limit is my favorite place - the northern edge of Oregon between Portland and Hood River. We flew into the Hood River airport and based our stay in the town of Hood river. The quality of scenery from the road that trails high along the Bluffs and mountains past spectacular water falls above the Columbia River north of Mount Hood is unmatched in my experience. You can't go there but if I ever go to a Van's Homecoming I will sure go there again. Sorry for the lapse in the thread - I just can't think of Oregon without thinking of that place.

Bob Axsom
Ashland comment

Last summer we and two other RV couples stopped in Medford, Or for a base and drove or flew out each day exploring. The day trip to Ashland was enjoyable, with a nice park to walk around in, a nice downtown, and imagine our surprise when we came face to face with two young topless ladies when walking up to checkout the theator area. Yes, it was a enjoyable day.
Hood River - Wind

We flew into the Hood River airport and based our stay in the town of Hood river. The quality of scenery from the road that trails high along the Bluffs and mountains past spectacular water falls above the Columbia River north of Mount Hood is unmatched in my experience. You can't go there but if I ever go to a Van's Homecoming I will sure go there again. Sorry for the lapse in the thread - I just can't think of Oregon without thinking of that place.

Bob Axsom

Just be aware that the wind can really howl down the Col River gorge and at the Hood River airport!! I tried to land my Long-EZ there and it was just too hairy. The final approach from the east is over a steep river drainage and it was "Mr. Toads Wild Ride"! Hood River is the worlds wind surfing capital for a very good reason!
Bob... can you...

As az-gila recommended previously Gold beach ....
Outside your specified limit is my favorite place - the northern edge of Oregon between Portland and Hood River. ...
Bob Axsom

....recommend an airport to stay at for 1 to 2 days in N Oregon (preferably by the coast) where you are near town and don't need to rent a car?

We are planning a summer trip (late July) and are looking for a short stop in that area.

Does Astoria meet those requirements?
....recommend an airport to stay at for 1 to 2 days in N Oregon (preferably by the coast) where you are near town and don't need to rent a car?

We are planning a summer trip (late July) and are looking for a short stop in that area.

Does Astoria meet those requirements?

Neither Astoria (AST) nor Newport (ONP) are within walking distance from town.
Astoria used to have a courtesy car though, Newport does too but it can only be used for < 3hrs.

Maybe try Florence (6S2) ? Siletz Bay (S45) is awesome for a day trip, food and beach all in walking distance. Ocean Shores (W04) is sorta walking distance. You may also be able to rent scooters and have them delivered to airport ?
Gold Beach is nice but their rental cars are definitely interesting! :) (old run down cop cars, more like a well beat up crew car than a rental car. Still better than nothing!)

If you like camping try Nehalem Bay (3S7), camping can be done on field and there is also a large campsite in walking distance.
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Mendicino, CA

Mendicino California has a nearby airport. You can rent a cabin/house on the high bluff shore of the pacific ocean. You can visit may torist sites from there. My family spent a week there. We flew. My dog got to lift his leg on the worlds tallest tree. Watch for stratos clouds the first couple of miles from the shore.
You are welcome at my house Gil....

....recommend an airport to stay at for 1 to 2 days in N Oregon (preferably by the coast) where you are near town and don't need to rent a car?

We are planning a summer trip (late July) and are looking for a short stop in that area.

Does Astoria meet those requirements?

I am in SW Washington, near Portland at Parkside Airpark (WA87). I have spare rooms and you are welcome to base there for a couple days. Easy fly out's (30 minutes or less) to Astoria, Tillamook (air musuem), McMinnville (air musuem), Nehalem Bay State (beach walking), Hood River (air museum), an hour to the San Juans, and much more. It is also a very active RV field.
If you want to stay at the beach, Salishan Lodge. You can fly into the local airport and there is a phone there directly to the Lodge for them to pick you up. Not much else in the area but nice beach resort.
Depending on my schedule I may or may not be around. I will tell you where the spare key is and you can have the run of the place. I also have a ride you can use if you want to run into Portland, 30 minute drive, and check out the city.
....recommend an airport to stay at for 1 to 2 days in N Oregon (preferably by the coast) where you are near town and don't need to rent a car?

We are planning a summer trip (late July) and are looking for a short stop in that area.

Does Astoria meet those requirements?
There really aren't any places NW OR that will meet that requirement. If you want to see Portland, you don't have to have a car if you land at PDX or HIO (easy access to MAX system), but that's not exactly the Coast.

Lots of good recommendations on the thread, I will second the calls for TMK, MMV and 3S7 (Nehalem Bay State, great location on the coast). Haven't been to Hood River, but the new museum is supposed to be nice.

I can't think of any Gil

....recommend an airport to stay at for 1 to 2 days in N Oregon (preferably by the coast) where you are near town and don't need to rent a car?

We are planning a summer trip (late July) and are looking for a short stop in that area.

Does Astoria meet those requirements?

Northwestern Oregon is a wilderness paradise and a car is necessary to really get around. When I was coming home from the airport yesterday in my northwestern Arkansas paradise I was behind another pickup truck that had a sticker on the rear window that read "Paddle faster I hear banjo music". If you read or saw "Deliverance" you get the message. Northwestern Oregon is even more wild and beautiful. I have landed at Portland a couple of times and rented. Also Hillsboro. At Hood River I rented a van from the local Dodge dealer. It is worth the cost to just roam around some of those state highways. I landed at Newport once but I don't remember if they had rental cars - that is right on the coast but it is a little ways down the state. When you went into Gold Beach did you go farther north? If not it is a strikingly beautiful rugged coast. I flew back from Olympia, Washington all along the coast at about 200 ft above the water to get home in Southern California under the overcast so it was an up close and personal experience. I've never stopped in Astoria.

Bob Axsom
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Thanks Mike....

Gil, if you need a stop over on the way, let me know.

...but the next stop going home is at our friends place in Auburn, CA, right by your place - then family in Bakersfield.

The co-pilot prefers fairly short daily legs....:)
Thanks for the info...

Northwestern Oregon is a wilderness paradise and a car is necessary to really get around. When I was coming home from the airport yesterday in my northwestern Arkansas paradise I was behind another pickup truck that had a sticker on the rear window that read "Paddle faster I hear banjo music". If you read or saw "Deliverance" you get the message. Northwestern Oregon is even more wild and beautiful. I have landed at Portland a couple of times and rented. Also Hillsboro. At Hood River I rented a van from the local Dodge dealer. It is worth the cost to just roam around some of those state highways. I landed at Newport once but I don't remember if they had rental cars - that is right on the coast but it is a little ways down the state. When you went into Gold Beach did you go farther north? If not it is a strikingly beautiful rugged coast. I flew back from Olympia, Washington all along the coast at about 200 ft above the water to get home in Southern California under the overcast so it was an up close and personal experience. I've never stopped in Astoria.

Bob Axsom

Bob... and also to all of the others that replied.

In answer to the Gold Beach question, we went there when we were returning from Sequim, WA - the OR coast was foggy/misty so we followed I-5and went through Medford.
The jet boat rides are quite unique and well worth it, but the coastal fog came in and delayed our departure - I am not IFR rated. The take off the next day was the most interesting I have ever done due to the local weather patterns at the mouth of the Rogue river and a little local weather "hole" at the airport - but as is usually the case, talk to the locals to get the local weather scoop. One mile from the airport, we were in severe clear....:)

I've visited Portland many times before I retired, and have been there with my wife. It's the Oregon coast we have never really visited - except for the mouth of the Rogue River.
Bob... and also to all of the others that replied.

It's the Oregon coast we have never really visited - except for the mouth of the Rogue River.

Try Pacific City. You can walk into town, very small, but there is a nice condo/hotel very close and on the beach. You could launch from there to Tillamook, less than ten minutes flight, and Nehalem Bay, less than 15 minutes, plus lots of other great flyable locations like Newport, Lincoln City, etc...
Summer at the Oregon Coast is always iffy weather wise. Sea Fog is common during the summer as the heat from the valley "sucks" in the am fog over the coast, but like you described, a mile or two inland and you are in the clear, if you can get there! That is why staying in the valley and flying the 20-30 minutes to the coastal spots is a nice option to have. If the weather stinks, you can stay inland.
BTW - I grew up on the Rouge River in Medford, but know Gold Beach very well. It does not get any better than Southern Oregon as far as I am concerned.
As previously mentioned, Mendocino is a very good fly-in destination in N Cal. The town of Mendocino is very picturesque and has lots of shopping for girls and is very artsy-fartsy. The kind of place that Steven King set most of his stories in.
You will need to call the Little River Airport office to set-up a rental car.
I would recommend staying in or around Fort Bragg, a few miles to the North on hwy 1. The North Coast Brewery, arguably one of the top micro breweries on the planet is on Main st. The original brewpub is across the street from the brewery. If you have ever had the pleasure of drinking a Red Seal Ale, you'll know the brand. They're many good eateries in and around town and of course there is plentiful shopping for tourists. The Skunk Train, a very cool little short-line railroad, takes passengers from town out onto the Redwoods which is a great trip (a buddy of mine owns it, he's a W-10 Tailwind guy).
You can stay in an Inn, B&B, vacation rental house or hotel. My family has a working cattle ranch with a 2 bedroom vacation house a few mile north of town. It's an ideal place to eat, drink, read and just unwind or you can walk around one of the few remaining big coastal ranches in California and a beautiful beach too.

This is the Northern Ca. Coast so it's mostly something you look at and don't touch. The beaches are beautiful but the water is cold. It can be cold and gray or it can be blue, beautiful and warm. If you stay more than a few days, bring a good book.

Shorbird (yes I know there's an e)
If weather interferes try central Oregon and the Cascades. A flight ove Crater Lake and along the Cascades to Sun River is worth the effort. Lots of lakes and senic towns to visit: Bend, Sisters etc. Volcanos galor. A trip farther north to the Columbia River Gorge nice too.