VAF Classified content?

  • RV related only

    Votes: 77 63.1%
  • Include flying planes only

    Votes: 17 13.9%
  • Include experimental airplanes only

    Votes: 7 5.7%
  • Other ? Please explain

    Votes: 21 17.2%

  • Total voters


Legacy Member
A few days ago I posted a link to a very nice C-150 a friend is selling in the VAF Classified section.

Yesterday I went back to check and see if it had any more hits and found it was deleted.

The reason I posted it here was because there are a number of builders who are looking for planes to fly or learn to fly in while building.

Would you like to see such non-RV planes listed for sale on the VAF classifieds?
The reason non-RV items are not allowed is because it messes up what is displayed in the 'New Posts' and 'Today's Posts' queries. We discussed this topic a few years back and the majority of folks did not want 'selling spare refrigerator to fund RV project' listings to start appearing. The poll here will give us another data point - maybe the mood has changed. I'll bet not, though :). Looks like the voting is 70% for 'rv related only'. is really good at moving non-rv stuff (it's currently the 59th most traffic'd web site on the internet, and posting a classified there is free).

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RV Classifieds


After meeting you and seeing your -9 up close I'd absolutely take note when you recommend a very nice aircraft at a good price (Especially when you know it's history.)

I think the usefulness of the VAF classifieds could possibly be diluted unless the VAF moderators establish a protocol for allowing non-RV related aircraft based on forum seniority, number of posts or some other sort of 'reputation' value (think eBay feedback.) I imagine they don't have such a policy in place at the current time (obviously, otherwise your post wouldn't have been deleted.)

Thanks again for all your contributions.

How about a separate, anything-goes classifieds system here on VAF? It doesn't even need to be a forum section, rather an external system. Any thoughts? I think many members would like to offer up random items to VAF members before hitting fleaBay, CraigsList, etc.

How about a separate, anything-goes classifieds system here on VAF? It doesn't even need to be a forum section, rather an external system. Any thoughts? I think many members would like to offer up random items to VAF members before hitting fleaBay, CraigsList, etc.

Go ahead and set up one, Mike, and I'll put a link to it. I had one many years ago - one of the generic 3rd party boards for that very purpose - and it quickly was overtaken by spam. The effort it took to keep the spam out outweighed the benefit (IMO).

Funny little sidenote: I was looking at the site stats a few months ago and I saw where a certain directory was getting thousands of hits a day. Turns out it was an old generic message board I still had 'live', but not listed anywhere on the site. When I went to look what was in it there were literally thousands and thousands of porn, viagra, stock tips, etc postings that were going in there each week by spambots. I removed the files :).

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I'll have one set up in an hour or two. I know what you mean about the porn, viagra, etc. spam that comes around. My personal blog gets 1000+ spam comments a day. Although, above all, ***** enlargement spammers are the most invasive.

Classified for Sale

I enjoy seeing things for sale and I have bought and sold several items here myself......all pleasurable experiances.
I'm not sure what the difference is (RV-related) between a 296GPS and
a cessna 150 ? both are Aviation related.....neither are RV's.
I certianly understand not listing kitchen appliances, but seems to me I saw a generator listed some time ago.....and the thought that it could be used to power tools at a hangar without power, seemed to make it RV related.
It is a fine line that should be able to be defined by a couple rules.
Just my 2 cents

O.K., just voted "other", now I am supposed to explain.

I certainly am not supporting posting porn, cell phones, etc. But I think there are a lot of things aviation related that should not be excluded just because they are not "RV".

The prior comment about a generator for sale comes to mind------arguably not a RV related item---------but what if the post was "I need a generator for my hanger, so I can build my RV"

Last summer, I posted my Stinson for sale-------promoted it as a tailwheel trainer----and there was no problem with it. Now someone has an issue with a C-150????

Seems to me there have been quite a few posts over the years about wristwatches :rolleyes:-------------

I think what is needed is for us to police ourselves. We know what is kosher, and what isnt.

And if someone goes too far, well, then that is what moderators are for.
An explanation

I voted "other" and I'd like to see anything that's aviation related - avionics, flying or project airplanes, airplane parts, books, etc. Selling something to support the aviation habit doesn't make it aviation related, imo.


RV-9A fuselage....still
O.K., I just went to your new site, and was able to register.

I tried to post an ad for my Dragonfly project-------could not find a "new post" button.



It looks like it comes with goofy permissions out of the box. Try one more time, and let me know, as I've altered permissions.


Voted for Other

I'd like to see other airplanes and what not for sale. I'm probably going to buy a warrior or some such this year to fly while I get my private and my IFR while I start building my plane. Plus for the most part I tend to trust the people in this community for recommendations and advise. In addition it seems like we all have fairly common interests i.e. planes, cars, motorcycles, and anything else that costs money.

just my .02
Agree with most of what MikeS is saying. The variable, or course, is that the group has grown historically by about 8 people each day. Two years ago the occasional non-RV-related wasn't much of an issue. Today with 7,400 people in the pool it could really get out of hand quickly (I can think of 15 things off the top of my head that I'd love to sell to buy some avgas:D). I'll list 'em in Mike's new off-topic classified board and will add a link in the sticky at the top of my classified section.
Agree with most of what MikeS is saying. The variable, or course, is that the group has grown historically by about 8 people each day. Two years ago the occasional non-RV-related wasn't much of an issue. Today with 7,400 people in the pool it could really get out of hand quickly (I can think of 15 things off the top of my head that I'd love to sell to buy some avgas:D). I'll list 'em in Mike's new off-topic classified board and will add a link in the sticky at the top of my classified section.

Luckily, I'm stuck here at the computer all day, every day. I hope I'm able to keep up with the spam.

After being on this forum for several years I have found most of us have similar interests other than airplanes. I have seen a lot interest in motorcycles, cars, and even music. What if one of our members had a beautiful restored "whatever" and decided to sell it. I might be desperately looking for a restored "whatever". The upside is you're dealing with good honest folks. I welcome the outside classified we could all use. If you need a hand deleting spam I would even help. I totally understand why it might not be a good thing here in this forum though. One exception would be the person that needs to sell his brand X plane to fund the RV or after his RV is finished.
After being on this forum for several years I have found most of us have similar interests other than airplanes. I have seen a lot interest in motorcycles, cars, and even music. What if one of our members had a beautiful restored "whatever" and decided to sell it. I might be desperately looking for a restored "whatever". The upside is you're dealing with good honest folks. I welcome the outside classified we could all use. If you need a hand deleting spam I would even help. I totally understand why it might not be a good thing here in this forum though. One exception would be the person that needs to sell his brand X plane to fund the RV or after his RV is finished.

I appreciate that! It will be interesting to see if it picks up any steam. The issue, of course, is that people don't visit unless items are posted, and items don't get posted unless people visit. Oh, the problems involved with new websites!

Vested members?

Like Mike, I too voted "other". I am actually toying with the idea of picking up a nice older craft (150/152?) while I start my RV12... and if so, would appreciate and value the input and ads of our members for these non-RV's.

Doug - is there any way for us to allow this sort of slightly "non-RV" classifieds to be posted by "vested members"? IE: maybe require that they have been active VAF'ers for 6 months or a year before they can host an AD such as this? I don't think it would be too much for the moderators to screen... just follow up on the occasional non-RV ad and see who is posting it. And that would eliminate the folks who register just to advertise Grandma's old Piper... "Only flown on Saturdays!"

Just a thought.


Hmmmm 18 hits already on my ad on the new site.

And another registered user;)

I guess that is pretty good for something less that a day old.
Hmmmm 18 hits already on my ad on the new site.

And another registered user;)

I guess that is pretty good for something less that a day old.

I think it will start seeing a bit more action once Doug adds the link to the classifieds section on here. Shoot me a PM if you get any responses to your listing. I think visitor count will increase somewhat rapidly, but registered users are slow to pick up. If VAF sees 8 new sign-ups a day, it could definitely take A LOT of time for WingWorker.Com to pick up a bunch of users.


My explanation for voting other. I think it could be self-policed as stated by others. Also stated by others, I tend to think of everyone on this site as trustworthy and consider myself so as well. I have sold several instruments on here with no problems. I sold everything I needed to sell in a very short time. I got what I asked for them and had absolutely zero issues with payment. I think if we can sell items such as instruments and the like we should be able to sell flying airplanes other than RV's.

Although I would not expect this site to compete with Barnstormers I do think I would be more inclined to trust a poster on here over one from other sites.

In reference to other sites I have to say I refuse to even go to ebay. I have not been to that site in over 3 years. Not only do I question posters on that site, I also question the security of payment methods such as paypal. I cannot even count the number of spam emails I have received over the years stating that there is a problem with my paypal account and should click on a link to fix the problem. The same with emails stating the same about my ebay account. My red flags have been immediately raised every time I see these emails because I have never in my life had a paypal account and I have never used an ebay account. That makes it easy for me to know that these emails are spam. However, what if I did have an account with them? It would become a little more difficult for me to determine if these emails were legitimate or not.

All of this leads me to say that I understand about Doug's concerns about spam. SPAM SUCKS!!!! It is the bain (sp?) of society! If introducing a non-RV sales area in the forum introduces risk of new spam then I would be inclined to vote against it.

Well, my .02.

After meeting you and seeing your -9 up close I'd absolutely take note when you recommend a very nice aircraft at a good price (Especially when you know it's history.) ...
Thanks Stan. That 150 makes my -9 look like a used beer can.

When are you two going to start building on the lake?

I voted other for all the reasons already stated.
I am an "other". It is not much of a stretch to see that a C150 can be RV related just like airpark land for sale or hangar space. Of course, I could see where a self contained fridge, beer keg, and tap setup for my hangar / workshop could be RV related also. :D
RV Only

I voted RV only... BUT...,,,

You guys are more up on this than me. BUT, my $.02.............

I think letting RV person sell or buy a flying airplane here would be ok. If some one building wanted to pass on their 'in the mean time' plane, why not?
Lets say I was building my RV 7 and have a C-140,,,,,, the RV project is getting close to needing an engine. My last several years of post, included 'Putt Putt' my C 140 and my flying it all the while building,,,,and now I wanted to sell. I think it would not be inappropriate to mention it here. Let the members of the club sell, communicate.

Letting some broker, anybody? sell here,?? not good... keep them out.
Jay has a good point.

I think ads for flying aircraft would be OK as long as the airplane being sold belongs to the RV builder. Not "a friend".
As soon as you leave the specific requirement of being directly RV related, its a slippery slope. This site is for all things RV and it is already difficult for users to navigate with all the stuff available. If this site becomes aviation related instead, then it will become like many others that have come and gone. Too big and too cumbersome and ultimately not useful at all.

My vote, keep it VERY RV related. Its what keeps it useful and usable.
What is "RV Related"?

How is a hangar for sale "RV Related?" Yet that ad (and many others) are allowable.

I need to sell my Long-EZ to help finance another RV while the one I built is being rebuilt, but my ad is deleted with no notice or warning.

I appreciate the need to keep the boards free of spammers and commercial advertisers (unless they pay the fee of course).

I don't have any objection to an RV owner advertising any sort of airplane for sale here. I don't really see the big problem, but I am apparently in the minority.

I would prefer to deal with the folks here first. Who knows, maybe some of them are EZ fans as well.

Just my two cents, as overpriced as it is.
"I need to sell my Long-EZ to help finance another RV while the one I built is being rebuilt"

Joe, with the reasons you gave, I dont see how anyone could consider the sale of your EZ to anything but RV related.

Did your original posting contain a similar statement as to why you had put it up for sale???

By the way, good luck on the repair.
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Then again, if I need to sell my dishwasher (example of choice here) to finance an RV project, is that "RV related"?

What if I'm selling the EZ, but then after I sell it, change my mind and don't buy another RV with the proceeds? Is that RV related?

I guess I can't quite understand why folks can't just let Doug make decisions about HIS board, and let the decision stand. In this case, his allowing the pole to continue for memvership input has shown his decision was the right one (~71% for keeping it RV only, as of this post).

Maybe, just maybe, he knows what he's doing, and that is why this is the most populated/viewed RV board around.

Aw, comeon now Joe, you guys from Flower Mound all stick together.;);)

Anyway, go re-read the second post in the thread, DR wants the input.

We are not telling him how to run the forum, he is using our input to make decisions about how he will run the forum.
Fair enough Mike, I agree.

I guess my point being, he has made the decision based upon the input. Someone else even set up a seperate board to cover this situation (Doug's even willing to link it FROM here).

YET, 4 pages of posts later and we still have people posting about the "thing" that they want/wanted to sell that could be interpreted as being RV related. How it got deleted, and how their circumstances are different than somebody else selling something else.

As a guy who browses the forum by hitting "New Posts", I can see where opening it wide open would cause a problem. Seems to me his decision is pretty straight forward.

Man, I need that Fuse to get here...too much time to waste on-line :)
