
Well Known Member
Hey All,

So, here's my conundrum...

I really don't like the iPad and don't want to invest in a new one. I have a Garmin Pilot subscription and noticed that development for the Android (my platform of choice) is not as robust as it is for the iPad.

Without switching to another app, I am considering an external Bluetooth GPS for my iPad to complete the Garmin Pilot functionality until a time comes where I will move to possibly another app or hardware platform.

My primary source of IFR navigation is my G3X system with GTN capability and I will only be using the iPad for backup and flight planning.

Will something like the Bad Elf GPS satisfy my needs for now?

Anyone have any suggestions and/or options? I am short on time and plan on needing something soon for my trip to Alaska this summer.

:confused: CJ
Anyone have any suggestions and/or options?

With triple panel redundancy like yours you don?t need appliances in the cockpit. It?s all VFR up here. Come. :D

iPad with bad elf works great. Actually my stratux homebuilt adsb provides the gps signal for me now, but I often carry the bad elf because it works great too as a backup.
Hi John,

I had a Samsung tablet and the Garmin Pilot app in my -4. I, too, noticed that the Android (Garmin Pilot) App development lagged that of the Apple version significantly. I switched to an Ipad mini and use the Dual XGPS-150 to provide position data to the iPad. It's velcroed to the top of the roll bar and has worked flawlessly for years.

About a year ago, I switched from Garmin Pilot to Foreflight and would never go back, but that's another story...

Good luck,

John, I have a Dual XGPS-150 that will feed GPS to ipad for your EFB app. No current use for it in my plane. I bet we can work out a deal if you're interested.
+1 for ForeFlight


Build yourself a Stratux as Steve suggests, costs around $150 for the parts on Amazon. You'll get GPS *and* dual-band ADS-B In. Doesn't work with Garmin Pilot, but I switched to ForeFlight as Dean did and haven't regretted the change at all. If you're not into ForeFlight, Stratux boxes work with a lot of other EFB apps. I don't need one for the RV as my transponder already has -In, but I'm gonna build a Stratux just because it's fun and I can use it away from the airplane.

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I use an IPAD mini (non cellular) with a Bad Elf plug in gps module for VFR navigation. It works great and run off ships power as the Bad Elf has a power in port. I use it with FltPlanGo.

Tip, the IPAD mini can stay charged when Flying with the gps module provided I close unused programs so they are not running in the background. Some say switching the IPAD to “flight mode” is even better. I’ve found that works too and the name is appropriate. Lol.

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The iFly app is another excellent choice and works on many platforms and is a very easy software to learn.
About a year ago, I switched from Garmin Pilot to Foreflight and would never go back, but that's another story...

Me too.

I tried to make do with android solutions for years because of my general distaste for the iOS walled garden.

Then I started IFR training and observed how my instructor's Foreflight shows you graphically which clearances got approved recently, and puts NOTAMs right on the approach charts so you don't miss increased minimums or worse. The last straw was my android tablet crashing twice while on approach (Stratux-related driver problem, seems like). That evening I bought a used 5th gen ipad and a Foreflight subscription. No going back.

Stratux (bought pre-built here) adds synthetic vision and UAT+ADS-B traffic/weather to Foreflight. This combo works almost as good as my Dynon, and graphics are prettier. It's missing magnetometer stabilization, but that's a software support issue being worked on (Stratux hardware does contain a 3-axis magnetometer). Stratux GPS receiver is not as happy as the one in the ipad because of all the RF noise from the UAT and ADS-B receivers sitting next to it; this can be improved by moving it outside the Stratux case and attaching with USB cable. If you buy non-cellular ipad you don't get the internal GPS.

OP: do yourself a favor. IFR is serious stuff and price delta to get the best solution is so small compared to everything else in aviation. Used 5th gen ipads with cellular in mint condition go for $250 on ebay: cheap bacon-saver.
I just upgraded to echoUAT and took out my Stratux box and Dual XGPS150 Bluetooth GPS. How about you pay shipping and I send them to you?

I will be there soon, but not until you stop by my place for the bbq first! Mikey and others will be spending the night here also so we could have another full house like we have done in the old days! Looking forward to seeing you and getting the full briefing!

I am going to try the Dual XGPS reciever and Stratux as you have suggested (Chris, thank you for you super generous offer!). I really wasn't looking for traffic but it would be interesting. I already have XM so traffic is all that the Stratux would do. (KRW, thank you for your offer also!)

I am going to explore the Android tablet route. Aluminum, I like how you refer to the iOS as a "walled garden". So accurate! I'm not afraid of spending money on a solution. Lord knows this IFR stuff costs some serious lead!

Thermos and Sam, looks like I will be doing some exploring with regard to all these new fangled gadgets! I will try the other brands after my trip to Alaska, as I have already invested for a years subscription to Garmin. I thought that I would like it, but I now see that there are other things out there that are better such as iFly, Foreflight and someone else just mentioned the FlyQ EFB from AOPA yesterday.

Thank you all for your input!

:) CJ
A bit late to need, but I use a non-cellular iPad mini running GarminPilot as my EFB for about 4 years now. I too have a G3X (non-touch) with a GTN in my panel. I use a Garmin GDL 39 as my GPS/ADS-B in source, but that?s not important. The point is that the iPad paired to suitable external data source works just fine.
A bit late to need, but I use a non-cellular iPad mini running GarminPilot as my EFB for about 4 years now. I too have a G3X (non-touch) with a GTN in my panel. I use a Garmin GDL 39 as my GPS/ADS-B in source, but that?s not important. The point is that the iPad paired to suitable external data source works just fine.

Can the GDL39 be powered from a USB type cord? The website doesn?t say.
